

A Reading by Jamaica Kincaid
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_kincaidv_reading/  
主讲教师: Jamaica Kincaid
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2012-10-22
课程语种: 英语
很多作家都渴望看到他们的作品出现在“纽约客”中。奇迹般地,牙买加金凯德开始为这本杂志创作了“Talk of the Town”作品,这些作品在那些没有直线的情况下回归(很久以前)。金凯德庆祝时代“当纯粹的事情做得足够的时候”,她读了她的一些“TOT”作品以及她早期作品的其他例子,为她的观众中有抱负的作家提供了提示和旁白。她承认想写不同的东西来自该杂志的任何其他人,“青春的虚荣或傲慢。”她关于经济学家米尔顿弗里德曼的书籍招待会的文章完全由她和其他参与者的活动成本清单(所有严格的事实检查,金凯德指出)。她对弗里德曼感到敌意,因为他当时是“智利残酷政府”的顾问,而金凯德想要表达这一点,但“不想只是说出来”。 Shawn发表了这篇文章,这对我来说太神奇了。“她在70年代向纽约人提交的文章刚好在名人文化时期之前,Kincaid说。那个时候,“美国富人想要以工作而闻名,做一些不是富裕的事情,他们会找到工作或类似的事情。”她读了一篇长篇故事,“一件衣服的传记”,这是在很大程度上取决于她在安提瓜的早年生活。她的少女时代的情节,在另一方面可能倾向于怀旧,由一个狡猾诚实和不感性的成年人声音构成。金凯德彻底放弃了这样一种观念,即疏浚和虚构过去的事件会给她一些释放。相反,一旦她将记忆写入书面,“我已经放弃了它,它不再对我有任何文学上的兴趣。”“我的兄弟,”金凯德关于她哥哥因艾滋病毒而死亡的说法,证明了她不接受囚犯接近传记写作。她首先向观众承认,“我认为最荒谬的事情是,为什么没有人告诉我,让某人死亡是如此之难,这只是一种惊人的痛苦。”她在活着的时候写了这本书的第一部分,然后无法继续,金凯德所描述的是对他的死亡的“生物反应。”尽管她的反应与他的痛苦一样困难和极端,但金凯德仍然致力于用清晰而残酷的语言讲述这个故事。 “我排除了回忆录。它使焦糖和美化事物......我不想知道如何制作一件美丽的东西。回忆录中暗示的是宽恕,我感觉不到。我永远不会原谅,我永远不会忘记,而且我永远不会流行。“
课程简介: Many writers long to see their work appear in The New Yorker. Miraculously, Jamaica Kincaid got her start in print generating “Talk of the Town” pieces for the magazine, back in the (good old) days when those pieces ran without bylines. Kincaid, who celebrates times “when the sheer doing of something was enough,” reads some of her “TOT” pieces and other examples of her early work, offering tips and asides to aspiring writers in her audience. She admits having wanted to write differently from anyone else at the magazine, “a vanity or arrogance of youth.” Her piece about a book reception for economist Milton Friedman consists entirely of an inventory of the costs of the event to her and other participants (all rigorously fact-checked, Kincaid notes). She felt hostile to Friedman, because he was in those days an advisor “to a cruel government in Chile,” and Kincaid wanted to express this but ‘didn’t want to just say it.” When “Mr. Shawn published it, it was amazing to me.” Her submissions to The New Yorker during the ‘70s just preceded the period of celebrity culture, Kincaid says. It was a time when “rich people in America wanted to be known for working, doing something other than being rich, and they would get jobs or something like that.” She reads a long story, “Biography of a Dress,” that is based in large part on her early life in Antigua. Episodes from her girlhood, which in other hands might lean toward the nostalgic, are framed by a searingly honest and unsentimental adult voice. Kincaid utterly renounces the notion that dredging up and fictionalizing past events offers some release to her. Instead, once she puts memory into writing, “I’ve dispensed with it and it is no longer of any literary interest to me.” “My Brother,” Kincaid’s account of her brother’s death from HIV, demonstrates her take-no-prisoners approach to biographical writing. She first acknowledges to the audience, “The most ridiculous thing -- I think why didn’t somebody tell me that having somebody die is so hard, that it’s just an amazing pain.” She wrote the first part of the book while he was alive, and then couldn’t continue, having what Kincaid describes as a “biological response to his death.” As difficult and extreme as her reaction was to his suffering, Kincaid was nevertheless committed to telling the story, in clear and brutal terms. “I rule out the memoir. It caramelizes and beautifies things…. I wouldn’t want to know how to make a beautiful thing. Implied in memoir is forgiveness that I don’t feel. I never forgive and I never forget, and I’m never cathartic.”
关 键 词: 纽约客; 生物反应; 美化事物
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-06-04:cwx
阅读次数: 93