
The Coming Generational Storm: What You Need to Know about America’s Economic Future
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_kotlikoff_cgs/  
主讲教师: Laurence J. Kotlikoff
开课单位: 波士顿大学
开课时间: 2011-07-18
课程语种: 英语
对婴儿潮一代的建议:对你的孩子非常友好。他们很可能会为你快乐的黄金岁月付出惨重的代价。 Laurence Kotlikoff说,社会保障体系的未来确实是黑暗的。联邦政府预计采取的措施和支付的财政差距是如此之大,以至于财政部不得不审查联邦预算中的数字。 Kotlikoff目前的数字:51万亿美元。 Kotlikoff表示,今天向社会保障和医疗保险/医疗补助的退休人员支付的款项已经破坏了银行,未来的支出将使我们陷入经济灾难。为什么?因为今天有超过65岁的3300万人平均每年支付23,000美元的社会保障金,但在四年内将有7700万老人领取。这个等式涉及人口统计学和金钱:一个寿命较长的老年人群需要的福利远远超过年轻工人支付的能力。请不要提到医疗保健的成本上涨。科特立科夫因疏忽和掩盖事件而抨击布什和克林顿政府,并表示他“没有看到摆脱财政体制的方法,而不是立即采取行动。”他的救助出发点是:“还清欠你的欠款”联邦零售税。“
课程简介: A word of advice to baby boomers: be very kind to your children. They will quite likely be paying a steep price for your happy golden years. Laurence Kotlikoff says the future is dark indeed for the Social Security system. The fiscal gap between what the federal government expects to take in and what it pays out is so big that the Treasury Department had to censor the number in the federal budget. Kotlikoff’s current figure: $51 trillion. Today’s payouts to retirees for Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid have already broken the bank, and future expenditures will take us right into an economic catastrophe, says Kotlikoff. Why? Because today there are 33 million people over 65 receiving an average annual Social Security payment of $23k -- but in four years there will be 77 million seniors collecting. The equation involves demographics and money: a predominantly old population with extended lifespan requires benefits that far exceed the capacity of young workers to pay for them. And please don’t mention the spiraling costs of health care. Kotlikoff blasts the Bush and Clinton administrations for negligence and cover-ups, and says he doesn’t “see a way out of our fiscal system melting down short of doing something immediately.” His starting point for a bailout: “Pay off what you owe with a federal retail sales tax.”
关 键 词: 婴儿潮; 黄金岁月; 财政部
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-06-04:cwx
阅读次数: 45