Do-It-Yourself Biology
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_kuldell_shetty_diyb/  
主讲教师: Natalie Kuldell, Reshma Shetty
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2011-10-10
课程语种: 英语
受到生物工程巨大潜力的启发,普通人正在寻找他们内心的弗兰肯斯坦医生,而不是怪物。两位了解培养皿和烧杯的发言者讨论了麻省理工学院博物馆人群生物学的可能性和陷阱。展示1980年Omni杂志上的广告,Natalie Kuldell反映了过去几十年计算机工程的巨大变化 - 从20磅的PC到笔记本电脑和手持设备。相比之下,她感叹,今天的基因工程在很大程度上仍然类似于1980年的前因,将大量的DNA插入大肠杆菌等生物体中。她认为计算机工程实现了这样的飞跃,因为它的技术广泛适用于业余爱好者,他们帮助推动了许多进步。生物技术并没有那么快,也不会,相信一个新生儿自己(DIY)社区,直到生物学的基本组成部分可供更大的人口使用。合成生物学旨在使新的生物形式更容易设计。 Kuldell抱怨说“我的大部分时间用于做我需要做的实验。如果不提前建造东西,那就太棒了。“但是生物学中很难建立生物成分和简化工艺,因为生物系统很复杂,而且难以预测。业余爱好者可以使用“厨房里的特百惠,温度计和基因工程”发现“在家里做生物学的一些非凡的东西吗?”Reshma Shetty认为工程生物不仅可以检测环境中的有毒金属,还可以确定海水是否被污染。她可以“想象一个DIY生物工程师...做一些更加幻想,雄心勃勃的事情......如何发展自己的房子?“Shetty描述了一个家庭实验,可以使细菌闻起来像香蕉。 Shetty表示DIY生物学家需要生物工程友好生物,这将成为普通模型,安全,易于生长并且使用起来很有趣。这些候选人包括苔藓,一种易于生长的细菌,叫做不动杆菌,和喜欢盐的盐杆菌。通过为人们提供合适的工具,“他们可以创造一些有趣的东西,让其他人能够欣赏。”
课程简介: Inspired by the vast potential of bioengineering, ordinary people are seeking their inner Frankenstein -- doctor, not monster. Two speakers who know their way around Petri dish and beaker discuss the possibilities and pitfalls of do-it-yourself biology with an MIT Museum crowd. Showing ads from a 1980 Omni magazine, Natalie Kuldell reflects on the vast changes in computer engineering in the past few decades – from 20-lb PCs to laptops and handhelds. In contrast, she laments, genetic engineering today still resembles in large part its 1980 antecedents -- inserting bits of DNA into organisms like E. coli. She avers that computer engineering made such leaps because its technology was widely available to amateurs, who helped drive many advances. Biotech hasn’t moved as fast, and won’t, believes a nascent do-it-yourself (DIY) community, until basic components of biology become accessible to a larger population. Synthetic biology aims to make new biological forms easier to engineer. Kuldell complains that “much of my time is spent doing things to do the experiments I need to do. It would be terrific not to have to build things in advance.” But building biological components and streamlining processes is difficult in biology, because biosystems are complex, and unpredictable. Can amateurs working with “Tupperware, thermometers and genetic engineering in the kitchen” discover “something remarkable doing their biology at home?” Reshma Shetty thinks engineered organisms can do more than sense toxic metals in the environment or determine whether seawater is contaminated. She can “imagine a DIY bioengineer…doing something more fantastical, ambitious…. What about growing your own house?” Shetty describes a home experiment that can make bacteria smell like bananas. This is a small feat, but to achieve something significant, a real contribution to science, Shetty says DIY biologists need bio-engineered friendly organisms that will serve as common models, safe, easy to grow “and fun to use.” Candidates include moss, an easy to grow bacterium called Acinetobacter, and the salt-loving Halobacterium. By giving people the right tools, “they can build something fun and creative others can appreciate.”
关 键 词: 生物工程; 博物馆; 普通模型
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-06-04:cwx
阅读次数: 34