
Is There a Black Architect in the House?
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_landsmark_architect/  
主讲教师: Theodore (Ted) Landsmark
开课单位: 波士顿建筑学院
开课时间: 2012-08-07
课程语种: 英语
Ted Landsmark说:“如果有任何一种职业在过去30年的过程中出现了一种对自身多样化的良性忽视,那就是它的架构。”通过一张又一张图表,他绘制了设计学校,公司和专业协会的惨淡记录,修改了他们奇特的白色轮廓。今天美国的10万名持牌建筑师中,1,571名是非裔美国人,其中186名是非洲裔美国女性。 2003年,仅有40名硕士生毕业。超过三分之一的毕业生从历史悠久的黑人学院或大学获得学位。其他提供建筑教育的学校已经毕业了几个非洲裔美国人,而成千上万的白人学生。 “如果我们将未来十年从计划中毕业的非洲裔美国人数增加三倍,”Landsmark说,“我们仍然只能达到10%。”为什么法律和商业的职业比建筑更多元化? Landsmark。他引用了一个论点,“聪明的黑人不会选择成为建筑师,因为他们不能赚到像律师一样多的钱。”但他指出,补偿水平还不错,“如果有色人种太聪明了进入这个领域,所有做白人的人怎么了?“经济方面是假的。相反,Landsmark指出,历史上黑人学院的大多数黑人建筑毕业生选择避免滥用为公司工作并在他们可以直接为HUD或陆军工程兵团工作时参加执照考试。 Landsmark还引用了获取私人工作所涉及的赞助和阶级制度,这些工作“决定谁可以在一个领域中生存。”白人社交网络剥夺了非洲裔美国人创造机会和进入市场的机会。还有明显缺乏黑人榜样,以及非洲裔美国人自己对“社区工作的定位”,这些工作不受出版物,学校或奖项的欢迎。当时全球对设计师和建筑公司的需求越来越大。渴望进军新市场,国家不能再继续忽视非裔美国人才库。在其他解决方案中,Landsmark建议提高公众对建筑的认识,针对年轻人。这可能意味着奖学金,或者在家庭仓库前面的彩色社区放置卡片表。建筑公司应该投资他们的黑人员工,以提高他们的职业生涯,提高他们的知名度,并建立辅导计划。他说,必须采取激进措施,“或者其他人将在10年后站在这里并使用相同的幻灯片”。
课程简介: “If there is any kind of profession that’s gotten away with a kind of benign neglect of diversifying itself over the course of last 30 years, it’s architecture,” says Ted Landsmark. With one chart after another, he plots the dismal record of design schools, firms and professional associations in modifying their singularly white profiles. Of the 100 thousand licensed architects in the U.S. today, 1,571 are African American and 186 of these are African American women. In 2003, a mere 40 Masters students graduated. And more than 1/3rd of these graduates obtained their degrees from an historically black college or university. The rest of the schools offering architecture educations have graduated a few score of African Americans, compared to thousands of white students. “If we were to triple the number of African Americans who graduated from programs over the next decade,” says Landsmark, “we would still only be up to 10%.” Why are law and business much more diversified professions than architecture?, queries Landsmark. He cites one argument that “smart black guys won’t choose to become architects because they can’t make as much money as lawyers.” But compensation levels are just fine, he notes, and “if people of color are too smart to go into the field, what’s wrong with all the white men who do?” The economic side is bogus. Instead, Landsmark notes that most black architecture graduates of historically black colleges opt to avoid the abuse of working for a firm and taking a licensing exam when they can go directly to work for HUD, or the Army Corps of Engineers. Landsmark also cites the patronage and class system involved in obtaining private work, which “determines who can survive in a field.” White social networks deprive African Americans of start-up opportunities and access to markets. There’s also a noticeable absence of black role models, and African Americans’ own orientation toward “community based work that is not celebrated by publications, schools or awards.” At a time when there is a greater global need for designers, and when architectural firms are eager to tap into new markets, the nation can’t continue to ignore the African-American talent pool. Among other solutions, Landsmark suggests increasing public awareness of architecture, targeting young people. This might mean scholarships, or putting card tables out in front of Home Depots in communities of color. Architecture firms should invest in their black associates -- growing their careers and increasing their visibility, and establish mentoring programs. Radical steps must be taken, he says, “or someone else will stand here and use the same slides” 10 years from now.
关 键 词: 持牌建筑师; 建筑教育; 彩色社区
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-06-04:cwx
阅读次数: 38