
The Semantic Web
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_lee_sw/  
主讲教师: Tim Berners-Lee
开课单位: 万维网联盟
开课时间: 2012-05-25
课程语种: 英语
很难跟上万维网的主谋。在他快节奏的演讲中,Tim Berners Lee不仅重述了互联网的起源,而且还勾勒出了未来。伯纳斯·李说,网络开始是“许多事物的原始汤,它们彼此了解但没有被​​放在一起”。在20世纪80年代后期,他开始尝试用物理学家的方式来交换信息。根据Berners Lee的说法,统一资源标识符和超文本标记语言的发明对于互联网的巨大成功至关重要。 “HTML将是网络的经线和纬线,在其中,珠宝将是电影,图片和数据库以及......其他可能发展的格式。”这就是即将发生的事情:“语义网”,一种索引方式和将不同类型的Web内容链接在一起。他设想计算机变得更加有用,部署一个通用的,非专有的“资源描述框架”,使他们能够在不同类型的信息之间建立联系。 “有点漂亮”,伯纳斯·李说,“正在将对象与概念联系起来。它允许对一个数据库的查询转化为对其他数据库的查询。“他将语义网想象成为生命科学中的”杀手级应用程序“,其中关联来自不同领域的数据变得越来越重要。
课程简介: It’s hard to keep up with the mastermind of the World Wide Web. In his fast-paced address, Tim Berners-Lee not only recaps the origins of the Internet, but sketches its future. The Web began as “a primeval soup of many things that know each other but haven’t been put together,” says Berners-Lee. In the late 1980s, he began experimenting with a way for fellow physicists to exchange information. According to Berners-Lee, the invention of uniform resource identifiers and hyper text markup language was critical to the Internet’s phenomenal success. “HTML would be the warp and weft of the web, and within it, the jewels would be movies, and pictures and databases and …other formats that would evolve.” Here’s what’s coming: the “semantic web,” a way of indexing and linking together different kinds of web content. He envisions computers becoming even more useful, deploying a common, non-proprietary “resource description framework” that enables them to draw connections between disparate sorts of information. “What’s nifty”, says Berners-Lee “is putting links between objects and even concepts. It allows a query on one database to morph into a query into others.” He imagines the semantic web emerging as a “killer application” in the life sciences, where correlating data from different fields has become increasingly critical.
关 键 词: 万维网; 超文本标记语言; 索引方式
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-06-04:cwx
阅读次数: 59