
The Akamai Story: From Theory to Practice
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_leighton_tas/  
主讲教师: F. Thomson Leighton
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2013-02-04
课程语种: 英语
如果您曾经想过网站成为“Akamaized”意味着什么,那么这个关于公司起源的讲座就解释了很多谜团。但在有Akamai之前,有研究问题 - 其中很多。近15年前,万维网的设计师Tim Berners Lee要求Tom Leighton考虑未来和现在熟悉的互联网问题的解决方案:用户涌入特定网站时形成的瓶颈,通常是在一条互联网供应线上。 Leighton的团队生成算法(以及出版物和高级学位),同时找出将信息从这里移动到那里的最快方法。在此过程中,他们学会了一些技巧,以超越互联网服务提供商,这些服务提供商通过从网络线上冲击竞争对手的数据来减缓流量。 Akamai(在夏威夷语中意味着聪明和酷炫)在麻省理工学院50k比赛中开始了,当一些大牌客户决定让公司试运行时起飞。派拉蒙,ESPN,Apple和微软认识到Akamai的互联网优化战略的重要性:将服务器和路由软件分发给“边缘”或最终用户,而不是集中服务。 Akamai幸免于股市“泡沫”并崩溃,现在服务于多元化的全球市场。
课程简介: If you have ever wondered what it means for a website to become “Akamaized,” this lecture about the company’s origins explains much of the mystery. But before there was an Akamai, there were research problems—lots of them. Nearly 15 years ago, Tim Berners-Lee, architect of the World Wide Web, asked Tom Leighton to think about solutions to future -- and now familiar-- Internet issues: bottlenecks that form when users flood to a particular site, often along a single Internet supply line. Leighton’s team generated algorithms (and publications and advanced degrees) while figuring out the fastest means to move information from here to there. Along the way, they learned some tricks to outsmart Internet service providers who slow traffic down by bumping competitors’ data from their network lines. Akamai (which means clever and cool in Hawaiian) got its start in the MIT 50k competition, and took off when some big name clients decided to give the company a trial run. Paramount, ESPN, Apple, and Microsoft recognized the importance of Akamai’s Internet optimization strategy: distributing servers and routing software to the “edge” or end users, rather than centralizing services. Akamai survived the stock market “bubble” and collapse, and now serves a diverse global market.
关 键 词: 公司起源; 互联网问题; 优化战略
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-06-04:cwx
阅读次数: 43