

The Sounds of Music
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_lewin_tsm/  
主讲教师: Walter H. G. Lewin
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2010-06-07
课程语种: 英语
你有没有想过你的汽车在特定的高速公路上以一定的速度嗡嗡作响?或者为什么长笛的音符高于长号呢? Walter Lewin使用橡胶软管,带孔的木箱,金属板和各种其他自制仪器来演示物体如何产生声音。这一切都归结为振动如何将空气向四面八方推出.Lewin说明了声音的形状,一根绳索系在一起,以不同的速度上下摇动,产生特定的波浪形状。这些形状是绳索的共振频率或谐波。对于弓形小提琴来说也是如此,琴弦的振荡会产生一组谐波,产生我们听到的音符,振动越快,音调越高。 Lewin邀请观众的孩子用他们的乐器制作声音,并显示音调的幅度和频率。后来他展示了破坏性的共鸣:一座桥梁的视频如此猛烈地扭曲以至于坍塌,然后,在实验室中生活,酒杯的破碎逐渐变得更响亮,更高音。在物理学与表演艺术相遇的情况下,Lewin始终提供惊喜。
课程简介: Have you ever wondered about the annoying hum your car makes at a certain speed on a particular stretch of highway? Or why a flute’s notes are higher than a trombone’s? Walter Lewin uses rubber hose, wooden boxes with holes, metal plates and an assortment of other home-made instruments to demonstrate how objects produce sound. It all boils down to how something vibrates -- pushing air out in all directions. Lewin illustrates the shape of sounds, taking a rope tethered at one end, shaking it up and down at different speeds and producing specific wave shapes. These shapes are the rope’s resonant frequencies, or harmonics. It’s the same for a bowed violin, where the oscillations of the strings generate a set of harmonics, producing the notes we hear -- the faster the oscillations, the higher the tones. Lewin invites children from the audience to produce sounds with their musical instruments, and shows the amplitude and frequency of the tones. Later he demonstrates destructive resonances: video of a bridge that twists so violently that it collapses, and then, live in the laboratory, the shattering of a wine glass with progressively louder and higher tones. In this event where physics meets performance art, Lewin provides surprises throughout.
关 键 词: 振动; 声音; 音符
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-05-25:cwx
阅读次数: 77