
The Wonders of Electricity and Magnetism
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_lewin_wem/  
主讲教师: Walter H. G. Lewin
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2010-06-07
课程语种: 英语
无与伦比的沃尔特·勒温(Walter Lewin)在这个麻省理工学院博物馆的讲座/演示中为年轻人和老年人提供了完美的发型表演。他揭示了我们大多数人每天使用的文字和事物背后的真正含义,而没有反映他们真正代表的奇迹。这里有一些展示,探索和解释的奥秘:你如何制作两个完全正常的气球?彼此?将12伏灯泡连接到110伏插座时会发生什么?如果你把一把五彩纸屑扔到梳子上,为什么它会粘在一些上面呢?什么是确保您的手电筒在下次真正需要时能够正常工作的最佳方法? (如果你猜到要投入新电池,请到课堂后面。)当与观众的孩子们一起工作时,Lewin正处于最佳状态。他给了一个12岁的女孩一生中最糟糕的一天,并为一个小男孩提供10美分10小时的劳动力。但是当Lewin用一堆猫毛殴打他的一名年轻助手时,Lewin达到了新高(低?)。但Lewin并没有免于遭受酷刑:他甚至试图用150,000伏特的Van der Graaf发电机来电击自己.Lewin在介绍电子和磁力的基础知识的同时沉迷于数学挑战的扶手椅物理学家。只是一个等式。如果您还未定,请查看视频索引中的一些独特特效 - 火花,闪光,碎片和更多指针。继续观看,你会发现为什么Walter Lewin最近荣获麻省理工学院的Everett Moore Baker纪念奖本科教学优秀奖。随着这个视频被添加到MIT World,Lewin在OpenCourseWare的94号线上共有100个讲座。和麻省理工学院世界的6。
课程简介: The inimitable Walter Lewin gives a literally hair-raising performance in this MIT Museum lecture/demonstration for learners young and old. He unveils the real meaning behind words and things most of us use everyday without reflecting on what marvels they really represent. Here are some of the mysteries exhibited, explored, and explained in this talk: How can you make two perfectly normal balloons zoom apart from each other? What happens when you connect a 12-volt light bulb to a 110-volt outlet? If you toss a handful of confetti onto a comb, why does some of it stick and some of it fly away? What’s the best way to make sure your flashlight will work the next time you really need it? (If you guessed putting in new batteries, go to the back of the class.) Lewin is at his electrifying best when working with children from the audience. He gives a 12-year-old girl the worst hair day of her life, and offers a young boy 10 cents for 10 hours of backbreaking labor. But Lewin reaches a new high (low?) when he repeatedly beats one of his young assistants with a swatch of cat fur. Lewin doesn’t exempt himself from the torture, though: he even makes a serious attempt to electrocute himself with a 150,000-volt Van der Graaf generator. Lewin indulges the armchair physicist who’s mathematically challenged, by covering all the basics of electricity and magnetism while introducing just one equation. If you’re still undecided, check out some of the unique special effects – sparks, flashes, smashes, and more –pinpointed in the Video Index. Keep watching, and you will find out why Walter Lewin was recently honored with MIT’s Everett Moore Baker Memorial Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching. With the addition of this video to MIT World, Lewin has a total of 100 lectures available on line--94 at OpenCourseWare and 6 at MIT World.
关 键 词: 发型表演; 电击; 教学优秀
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-06-04:cwx
阅读次数: 34