
Are We as Crazy as Mad Cows?
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_lindquist_cows/  
主讲教师: Susan Lindquist
开课单位: 怀特黑德生物医学研究所
开课时间: 2013-04-19
课程语种: 英语
当我们体内的蛋白质正常运作时,我们可以看到,闻到,消耗和消化食物,生长肌肉和脑细胞。但是,当这些无限有用的生物构建块失效时,就会出现最有害的疾病。苏珊·林奎斯特(Susan Lindquist)仔细研究了复杂的折纸,如蛋白质的形状,并了解结构性错误如何导致一类令人恐惧的神经退行性疾病,包括“疯牛病”。事实证明,蛋白质的一部分错误折叠可以改变它从有用的代理商到能够复制自身的传染性材料。随着时间的推移,这些畸形的蛋白质,称为朊病毒,在大脑中运行粗糙,留下正常细胞一旦发挥作用的空洞。这种疾病的进化可能需要几十年的时间,因此Lindquist与酵母合作,酵母可以在短时间内产生数百万代细胞,并为研究朊病毒提供了完美的实验室。事实上,Lindquist说,“酵母细胞与人类共享一种惊人的基础生物学 - 与我们身体上的不同。”Lindquist现在系统地在酵母中寻找“易使蛋白质陷入困境的因素”和化学化合物可以扭转这些故障。这些化合物可能会成为下一代阿尔茨海默氏症或帕金森病的治疗方法。
课程简介: When proteins in our body work properly, we can see, smell, consume and digest food, grow muscle and brain cells. But when these infinitely useful biological building blocks fail, the most pernicious diseases arise. Susan Lindquist has scrutinized the complex origami-like shapes of proteins and come to understand how structural mistakes can lead to a frightening class of neurodegenerative disorders, including “Mad Cow Disease.” It turns out that misfolding in just one part of a protein can transform it from a helpful agent to an infectious material capable of replicating itself. Over time, these misshapen proteins, called prions, run roughshod in the brain, leaving holes where normal cells once functioned. The evolution of this disease may take decades in humans, so Lindquist has teamed up with yeast, which can produce millions of generations of cells in a short time, and provide the perfect laboratory for studying prions. In fact, says Lindquist, “yeast cells share an amazing variety of basic biology with humans—as different as we are physically.” Lindquist is now systematically looking in yeast for factors “that predispose proteins to get into trouble” and for chemical compounds that can reverse these malfunctions. These compounds may turn into the next generation’s cure for Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease.
关 键 词: 蛋白质; 疯牛病; 朊病毒
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-05-25:cwx
阅读次数: 40