

Looking Ahead
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_magnanti_horowitz_settles_hasti...  
主讲教师: William B. Rouse, Thomas L. Magnanti, F. Stan Settles, Daniel Hastings, Barry Horowitz
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2013-03-07
课程语种: 英语
在这个小组的开头,Thomas Magnanti想知道21世纪的工程专长是否会与20世纪在全国范围内提供电力,水和通信的系统相媲美。随后的发言者主要关注日益复杂的项目的工程实践和教学。 Barry Horowitz指出,开展庞大的新工程系统必然会带来更大的不确定性。他担心如果没有更复杂的模型来衡量结果,整个社会可能会将不确定性与不称职的工程混为一谈。 F. Stan Settles回忆起作为一名年轻工程师的早期经历 - “设计一个垫片,这样可以帮助组装人员避免伤害他的手。”他因藐视权威受到严厉批评 - 但“结束了vp。”我们可以在外面思考盒子并学会预测挑战者事故或电网故障等事情?威廉·罗斯(William Rouse)描述了他为佐治亚理工学院(Georgia Tech)教师创造“解决有趣问题的智力举措”的努力。他建议汇集各种学科,包括艺术家和建筑师,以应对新技术的影响。丹尼尔·黑斯廷斯呼吁工程系统领导者学术界刻意培养,他们将考虑“更广泛的问题范围......并将背景视为变量而非约束。”裁军和基因测试等问题需要采用整体方法。行业。
课程简介: At the start of this panel, Thomas Magnanti wonders whether engineering feats of the 21st century will rival 20th century systems built to provide electricity, water, and communications throughout the nation. Subsequent speakers focus mainly on the practice and teaching of engineering for increasingly complex projects. Barry Horowitz points out that undertaking vast, new engineering systems necessarily entails greater uncertainties. He worries that without more sophisticated models for measuring outcomes, society at large might confuse uncertainties with incompetent engineering. F. Stan Settles recounts early experiences as a young engineer—“designing a shim so it would help the assembly guy avoid hurting his hands.” He was severely criticized for flouting authority—but “ended up a vp.” Can we think outside the box and learn to predict things like the Challenger accident or the electric grid failure? William Rouse describes his efforts to energize faculty at Georgia Tech by creating a “portfolio of intellectual initiatives” to solve interesting problems. He recommends bringing together various disciplines, including artists and architects, to grapple with the implications of new technologies. Daniel Hastings calls for the deliberate cultivation by academia of engineering systems leaders, who will take into account the “broader scope of issues…and consider context as a variable rather than a constraint.” Issues like disarmament and genetic testing call for a holistic approach in the profession.
关 键 词: 工程师; 裁军; 基因测试
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-05-25:cwx
阅读次数: 34