
The OpenCourseWare Initiative: A New Model for Sharing
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_margulies_tocw/  
主讲教师: Anne H. Margulies
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2013-07-23
课程语种: 英语
自从2003年秋季首次亮相“概念验证”以来,麻省理工学院的开放式课程(OCW)计划已经取得了一些令人印象深刻的数字。该项目将在麻省理工学院本科和研究生课程中使用的课程材料免费提供给世界各地的任何用户。到目前为止,OCW已经翻译了麻省理工学院2000年课程的网络700,其中包括麻省理工学院的五所学校及其所有33个学科,并获得了“来自地球上每个国家的交通”,Anne Margulies说。每天有超过12,000名独立用户访问OCW,在弹出调查中,92%的用户表示自己对该网站非常满意。这些访问者中有一半以上是自学者,他们只想探索新主题或对特定主题保持最新状态。 Margulies指出,教育工作者,她的主要目标群体,被OCW迷住了。他们用它来准备课程或学习新的教学方法。这完全符合麻省理工学院公开传播知识的目标,正如Margulies所说,“愿景将成为世界各地大学和学院的运动”。
课程简介: Since making its “proof of concept” debut in the Fall of 2003, MIT’s OpenCourseWare (OCW) Initiative has racked up some impressive numbers. This project makes course materials used in MIT undergraduate and graduate subjects available on the Web, free of charge, to any user anywhere in the world. So far, OCW has translated for the web 700 of MIT’s 2000 courses, spanning MIT’s five schools and all 33 of its academic disciplines, and received “traffic from every country on the planet,” says Anne Margulies. More than 12,000 unique users visit OCW each day, and in a popup survey, 92% of these users pronounced themselves highly satisfied with the site. More than half of these visitors are self-learners, who just want to explore new subjects or stay current on a particular subject. Margulies notes that educators, her primary target group, are enthralled with OCW. They use it to prepare courses or learn new teaching methods. This fits perfectly with MIT’s goal -- the open dissemination of knowledge so that, as Margulies says, “the vision will become a movement” in colleges and universities around the world.
关 键 词: 概念验证; 开放式课程; 自学者
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-06-04:cwx
阅读次数: 52