
The Most Important Number in the World
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_mckibben_number/  
主讲教师: Bill McKibben
开课时间: 2013-06-28
课程语种: 英语
“只是一个睡眠不足的活动家和组织者。”这就是环境保护主义者比尔麦克基本如何描述他目前的化身,写作生涯暂时搁置,同时他改变了气候变化的危险性。他在1989年首次撰写的关于假设的困境已演变为“根深蒂固的共识”。到1995年,世界气候学家一致认为:“人类正在升温地球。”在工业革命的拐点之后,McKibben认为,“不,惊喜的事情开始发生了!“那些东西正在升级大气中的碳。快到2007年夏天,“北极海冰以惊人的速度融化。”他引用的其他有害影响包括永久冻土减少;温室气体甲烷释放量增加;干旱和洪水的矛盾增加;海平面上升;野火和砍伐森林;农业危险。这些现象在反馈循环中合谋,对文明构成了加速风险.McKibben认为美国宇航局气候学家吉姆汉森得出了“世界上最重要的数字” - 可容忍的碳水平,允许地球上的生命存活,现在被认为是百万分之350 。麻烦的是,由于化石燃料燃烧猖獗,我们已经超越了可持续发展点。我们面临“让你的孙子们解决问题不是问题......这对你父母解决问题是一个问题。”从2006年启程前往孟加拉国回到佛蒙特州后,McKibben的使命变成了为全球变暖意识服务的激进主义。他在为期五天的朝圣中聚集了1000人,宣传这个词。在农村地区看到这么多人类时,他说“奶牛正在恐怖地奔跑。”因此开始了一场民粹主义运动,要求到2050年碳排放量减少80%.McKibben在利用互联网的倍增力量方面看到了前进的道路。 2007年,在六名学生的帮助和电子邮件的指数影响下,全国范围内共发生了1,400次同步示威活动。 “事情刚刚传播开来,”McKibben说道,“......自1970年第一个地球日以来,草根环境活动的最大日子。”社交网络和手机被证明是最有效的动员工具。组织者接下来将目标转向即将到来的哥本哈根会议将成为继“京都议定书”之后的条约。该活动恰如其分地命名为350.org。 McKibben赞同一个简单数字作为集结点的优点,因为“阿拉伯数字是世界上很少能轻易转化的事物之一”,避免了跨文化的语义错误。从小马丁·路德·金那里,McKibben吸收了正义的原则行动。良好的斗争必须是“有创造力......坚定......快乐。”最后,McKibben警告说“大自然不会在曲线上评分。”全球变暖“是我们这个时刻的道德紧迫问题。”
课程简介: “Just a sleep-deprived activist and organizer.” That’s how environmentalist Bill McKibben describes his current incarnation, with writing career in abeyance while he proselytizes about the danger of climate change. The plight he first wrote about as hypothesis in 1989 has evolved into “deeply rooted consensus.” By 1995, world climatologists agreed: “Human beings are heating up the planet.” After the inflection point of the Industrial Revolution, McKibben reckons, “no surprise --stuff starts to happen!” That stuff is escalating atmospheric carbon. Fast forward to summer 2007, when “Arctic sea ice melted at an alarming pace.” Other deleterious effects he cites include permafrost reduction; growing release of greenhouse gas methane; paradoxical increase in both drought and deluge; rising sea level; wildfires and deforestation; agricultural jeopardy. These phenomena conspire in feedback loops to pose accelerating risks to civilization. McKibben credits NASA climatologist Jim Hansen with deriving “the most important number in the world” – the tolerable carbon level allowing survival of life on earth, now recognized as 350 parts-per-million maximum. Trouble is, we’re already past that sustainability point, owing to rampant fossil fuel combustion. We face “not a problem for your grandchildren to solve…it’s a problem for your parents to have solved.” Upon return to Vermont from a revelatory 2006 journey to Bangladesh, McKibben’s mission became activism in service to global warming awareness. He gathered 1,000 people on a five-day pilgrimage to spread the word. At the sight of this mass of humanity in a rural state, he says “cows were running in terror.” So began a populist movement demanding an 80% decrease in carbon emissions by 2050. McKibben saw the way ahead as harnessing the Internet’s multiplicative power. In 2007, with the help of six students and email’s exponential impact, 1,400 simultaneous demonstrations took place countrywide. “The thing just went viral,” McKibben exclaims, “…the biggest day of grass-roots environmental activism since the first Earth Day in 1970.” Social networking and cell phones proved most effective tools for mobilization. Organizers next turned their aims to the upcoming Copenhagen conference to form a treaty succeeding the Kyoto Protocol. The campaign is aptly titled 350.org. McKibben endorses the virtue of a simple number as a rallying point because “Arabic numerals are one of the very few things that translate easily around the world,” avoiding cross-cultural semantic mishaps. From Martin Luther King, Jr., McKibben absorbed principles of righteous activism. The good fight must be “creative…determined…joyful.” In closing, McKibben cautions “nature does not grade on a curve.” Global warming “is the morally urgent question of our moment.”
关 键 词: 环境保护; 气候变化; 北极海冰
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-05-25:cwx
阅读次数: 66