

20-Ton Canaries: The Great Whales of the North Atlantic (Keynote)
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_moore_dolin_whales/  
主讲教师: Michael Moore, Eric Jay Dolin
开课单位: 伍兹霍尔海洋研究所
开课时间: 2013-06-04
课程语种: 英语
这个由两部分组成的讲座简要介绍了我们捕鲸过去的历程,以及北大西洋露脊鲸令人心碎的当前故事。 作者Eric Jay Dolin使用了许多幻灯片,回顾了他最近出版的书“Leviathan”中的精彩部分。在花絮中,我们得知约翰史密斯船长(詹姆斯敦成名)于1614年来到缅因州和马萨诸塞州寻找鲸鱼(金银边线)。这是一次破产,就像他的其他一些冒险一样。接下来的定居者有更多的运气,收获漂浮在岸上的死鲸。到了下个世纪,殖民者掌握了近海捕鲸活动,最终新英格兰向英格兰销售产品所赚取的收入的一半以上来自鲸鱼。 随着美国革命和1812年战争期间的休息,新英格兰人稳步建立了捕鲸业:到1846年,共有735艘美国捕鲸船(全球900艘)以7万人为生。 7000万美元投资于捕鲸基础设施,60个沿海城市和城镇因鲸鱼捕捞而增加。它是美国第五大产业,提供由本·富兰克林和女士们的箍和支撑所青睐的清洁燃烧蜡烛。 这也是一个危险的,血腥的,臭气熏天的职业,涉及海上多年,鳍或绳索死亡,以及沸腾的渲染桶上的数小时。鲸鱼群体猛烈地沉没,捕鲸者为了捕食猎物而进一步搜寻。西海岸捕鲸船将弓头追入北极并被冰块困住。最终,美国捕鲸业“随着石油在宾夕法尼亚州泰特斯维尔的发现,内战以及基于鲸须的紧身胸衣市场的蒸发而”陷入了遗忘“ - 以新的巴黎时装完成。 迈克尔·摩尔说,研究人员知道,北大西洋露脊鲸的数量很少 - 可能是350只 - 比世界上任何其他哺乳动物都要好。他们的继续存在取决于我们“走在商业和保护之间走钢丝。”也许这种个人知识增加了他的帐户的尖锐:鲸鱼跟踪和拍照,因为他们是婴儿现在被发现渔具缠绕他们的鳍,或黑客标记船舶螺旋桨切入他们的身体。 这些动物的“轨迹”看起来不太好:从1986年到2005年,生物学家统计了50只死鲸。这不包括那些在死后只是沉没的视觉动物。摩尔悄悄地愤怒:钓鱼绳索收缩造成的死亡很可怕,在某些情况下持续数月。 “有保护片,”他说,“以及极端的动物福利问题。”还有生境恶化,食物供应减少,有毒污染物和噪音等问题。 这些生物的唯一希望在于减少鲸鱼在渔具上被污染的机会,以及减缓在东海岸上下鲸鱼喜欢的小船上的船只的措施。摩尔认为,必须进行更多的缓解,以实现动物福利和可持续的全球生态,同时满足人类的需求。
课程简介: This two-part lecture provides a brief illustrated journey through our whaling past, and the heart-breaking current story of the North Atlantic right whale. Using many slides, author Eric Jay Dolin recaps highlights from his recent book, Leviathan. Among the tidbits, we learn that Captain John Smith (of Jamestown fame) came to Maine and Massachusetts in 1614 to hunt for whales (with a sideline in gold and silver). It was a bust, like some of his other ventures. The next settlers had more luck, harvesting dead whales that drifted ashore. Through the next century, colonists mastered offshore whaling, and ultimately more than half the income New England earned from selling products to England was derived from whales. With breaks during the American Revolution and the War of 1812, New Englanders built up the whaling industry steadily: By 1846, there were 735 American whaling ships (out of 900 worldwide) earning 70,000 people their living. $70 million was invested in whaling infrastructure, and 60 coastal cities and towns rose from whale harvesting. It was the fifth largest industry in the U.S., providing the clean-burning candles favored by Ben Franklin and baleen for ladies’ hoops and stays. It was also a dangerous, bloody and stinking vocation, involving years at sea, death by fin or rope, and hours over a boiling rendering vat. Populations of whales sank drastically, and whalers searched farther for their prey. West Coast whalers chased bowheads into the Arctic and were trapped by ice. Ultimately, the American whaling industry “sailed into oblivion” with the discovery of oil in Titusville, PA, the Civil War, and the evaporation of the baleen-based corset market – done in by new Paris fashions. The tiny, remaining population of North Atlantic right whales – perhaps 350 -- is known to researchers “better than any other mammal in the world,” says Michael Moore. Their continued existence depends on our “walking a tightrope between commerce and conservation.” Perhaps this individual knowledge adds to the poignancy of his account: Whales tracked and photographed since they were babies are spotted now with fishing rig wrapped around their fins, or hack marks cut into their bodies by ship propellers. The “trajectory” for these animals does not look good: from 1986 to 2005, biologists counted 50 dead right whales. This does not include those animals that simply sank out of sight after they died. Moore is quietly indignant: death by fishing rope constriction is awful, lasting for months in some cases. “There’s the conservation piece,” he says, “and the extreme animal welfare issue.” There’s also the matter of deteriorating habitat and dwindling food supply, toxic contaminants, and noise. The only hope for these creatures lies in measures that reduce the chances that whales get fouled in fishing gear, and that slow down boats in the lanes favored by whales up and down the East Coast. More mitigation must be done to achieve animal welfare and sustainable global ecology while satisfying human needs, maintains Moore.
关 键 词: 捕鲸; 露脊鲸; 全球生态
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-06-11:cjy
阅读次数: 108