
Investigating the Bush Administration’s Misuse of Science
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_morrison_knobloch_wilson_debate...  
主讲教师: Philip Morrison, Kevin Knobloch, Edward Osborne Wilson
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2011-08-16
课程语种: 英语
菲利普莫里森在刚刚公布的海水盐图中读到了两个教训:世界首先是一个物理位置,所以我们需要科学来了解它;而科学一直在告诉我们令人吃惊的新事物。但根据Kevin Knobloch的说法,布什政府正在做出前所未有的协同努力,以抑制重要科学数据的发布,“向公众”展示数据,并在某些情况下控制研究过程本身。 “我们希望决策者能够听到科学所说的内容,然后权衡其他因素。但决策者们甚至都没有看到科学,”Knobloch说道。“关注科学家联盟”记录了一系列令人震惊的案例,其中白人众议院塑造科学以符合其政治目标:例如,在政府的要求下,环境保护局改变了一份关于气候变化的报告;白宫隐瞒了关于汞对胎儿发育的破坏性影响的研究,同时国会就处理电厂排放的立法进行了辩论;内阁秘书在处理环境和公共卫生问题的咨询委员会中取代了独立科学家和行业代表。在后续评论中,E.O。威尔逊蔑视这种“对科学的歪曲”。他说,“科学不是一种宗教,不是一种意识形态,也不是一个意图转向华盛顿的大厅。这只是获得现实世界知识的最佳方法。”
课程简介: In a just-published map of salt in seawater, Philip Morrison reads two lessons: the world is above all a physical place, so we need science to know about it; and science is telling us startling new things all the time. But according to Kevin Knobloch, the Bush Administration is making an unprecedented and concerted effort to suppress the release of important scientific data, "spin" the presentation of data to the public and in some cases to control the research process itself. "We expect decision-makers to hear what science has to say, then weigh other factors. But the decision-makers aren't even seeing the science," says Knobloch. The Union of Concerned Scientists has documented an egregious series of cases in which the White House shaped science to conform to its political goals: e.g., at the administration's request, the Environmental Protection Agency altered a report on climate change; the White House concealed research on the devastating impact of mercury on fetal development while Congress debated legislation dealing with power plant emissions; Cabinet secretaries replaced independent scientists with industry representatives on advisory committees dealing with environmental and public health issues. In follow-up remarks, E.O. Wilson scorned this "perversion of science." He said, "Science is not a religion, not an ideology, not a lobby intent on turning Washington around. It's simply the best method hit upon...to acquire knowledge about the real world."
关 键 词: 科学数据; 研究; 布什政府; 滥用
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-06-06:yuh
阅读次数: 44