
The Art and Science of Managing the New Global Corporation
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_nelson_asm/  
主讲教师: Marilyn Carlson Nelson
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2011-06-29
课程语种: 英语
在针对下一代商业领袖的激励演讲中,玛丽莲·卡尔森·尼尔森利用她的历史与庞大的家族式卡尔森酒店帝国作为案例研究。她的父亲在大萧条期间开始创业,其雄心是“建立公司”他坚持用她所描述的“命令与控制”风格作为统治者。随着公司在第二次世界大战后进入旅游和酒店业务,她的父亲组织了不同的部门互相竞争。 50年后,他将公司交给了他的女儿 - 一个“非常创新”的决定,她称之为.Carlson Nelson认为,公司全球化的挑战需要从他的管理风格和组织结构上分歧。 “我告诉人们,我们将更加民主,自愿和协作。有些人认为,'啊哈,这是可预测的,它是一个女人。'“但她相信商业模式和企业文化必须改变。 “我们将继续作为金融资本的管家,但我们必须增加对人力资本的管理。”她强调管理者之间的诚信和忠诚以及各部门之间的相互依赖。最重要的是,她强调“长期尊重”,以便利润永远不会超过维持人类或自然资源。卡尔森尼尔森开始相信,可以“积极应用商业来解决世界问题。”她的价值观似乎已经掌握。当世界贸易中心大楼于9/11落下时,附近的一位酒店经理将他的宴会厅变成了一个救援站。最近,卡特里娜飓风袭击的一家T.G.I.Friday餐厅的经理操纵了一辆卡车发动机,以保持餐厅的冰箱运转,并为绝望的市民提供食物和饮料。
课程简介: In a motivational talk aimed at the next generation of business leaders, Marilyn Carlson Nelson utilizes her history with the sprawling, family-owned Carlson hospitality empire as a case study. Her father began the business during the Depression, with the ambition of “building a company to last.” He ruled with what she describes as a “command and control” style. As the company moved into the travel and hotel business following World War II, her father organized the different divisions to compete against each other. After 50 years, he relinquished the company to his daughter—a “pretty innovative” decision, she calls it. Carlson Nelson determined that the challenge of taking the company global required diverging both from his management style and organizational structure. “I told people we were going to be more democratic, consensual and collaborative. Some people thought, ‘Ah-hah, this is predictable, it’s a woman.’” But she believed the business model and corporate culture had to change. “We would remain stewards of financial capital, but we had to add stewardship of human capital.” She emphasized integrity and loyalty among managers and interdependence among divisions. Above all, she stressed “respect for the long-term,” so that profits never outweighed sustaining human or natural resources. Carlson Nelson came to believe there could be a “positive application of business in addressing problems of the world.” Her values seem to have taken hold. When the World Trade Center towers fell on 9/11, a nearby hotel manager turned his ballroom into a rescue station. And more recently, the manager of one T.G.I.Friday’s restaurant hit by Hurricane Katrina rigged up a truck engine to keep the restaurant’s refrigerators running, and served up food and drink to desperate citizens.
关 键 词: 企业管理; 金融资本; 人力资源管理
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-06-06:yuh
阅读次数: 53