
America's Leadership in Clean Energy
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_obama_alic/  
主讲教师: Barack Obama
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2010-06-16
课程语种: 英语
欢迎麻省理工学院院长奥巴马总统 Susan Hockfield总结了麻省理工学院的大量能源创新,包括麻省理工学院能源倡议和学生领导的1700名成员能源俱乐部,并宣称:“我们赞同奥巴马总统的观点,即清洁能源是这个时代的决定性挑战。” 在他对奥巴马总统的介绍中,麻省理工学院能源倡议(MITEI)主任,总统科学与技术顾问委员会(PCAST​​)成员Ernest Moniz教授讨论了清洁能源,科学和创新的全球问题,并对奥巴马提出了信任。扩大国家的能源愿景。 巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)来到麻省理工学院,不仅赞扬该研究所的前沿能源研究,而且还鼓励所有美国人在追求发现方面“继承创新的遗产”。奥巴马说,国家的大部分繁荣都归功于风险承担者和企业家,现在,鉴于能源和气候变化的相关挑战,我们比以往任何时候都更需要这些先驱者。 在访问麻省理工学院的实验室,研究更高效的太阳能电池和照明,“没有建造,但已经成长”的电池,以及即使在空气静止时也起作用的海上风电厂,奥巴马告诉大众,由于国家不可避免地从化石燃料转向可再生能源,我们依靠麻省理工学院展示的“创新潜力”。 奥巴马承认能源研究人员和企业家所面临的巨大挑战。奥巴马表示,随着传统能源供应变得更加宝贵,能源需求不断增长,各国正在竞相开发生产和使用能源的新方式,而获胜者将引领全球经济。 “我希望美国成为那个国家。就这么简单。“ 他的政府的回应是对清洁能源和基础科学进行大规模投资。奥巴马的目标是在当前的经济衰退和国家未来的经济健康状况。今天的清洁能源工作和“生产未来技术”的研究将“为持久繁荣奠定新的基础。”他希望这种全面的方法最终能够改变美国整个能源系统的立法。 但奥巴马并不妄想所有人都会接受他的计划。 “我们越接近,”奥巴马说,“我们会更多地听到那些利益或意识形态与我们所采取的急需行动背道而驰的人。”然而,总统更担心的是一种危险的悲观情绪。许多人都认为,“我们的政治太过分裂,我们的人民也不愿意为我们真正处理这个能源问题做出艰难的选择。”他说,这一论点隐含着美国已经失去了战斗精神。 奥巴马拒绝接受这一论点“是因为我在麻省理工学院所看到的......以及因为我们所知道我们在被召唤时能够实现的目标......”利用电力和原子的国家总是寻求新的前沿,“这一代人也不例外。”奥巴马将过去的成就称为“在未来几个月和几年中肯定会是一场艰难的斗争” - 确保“我们是能源领袖”我们需要做的。“
课程简介: In welcoming President Obama, MIT President Susan Hockfield summarizes the vast array of energy innovation at MIT, including the MIT Energy Initiative and the student-led 1700 member Energy Club, and declares, "We share President Obama's view that clean energy is the defining challenge of this era." In his introduction of President Obama, Professor Ernest Moniz, Director of the MIT Energy Initiative (MITEI) and member of the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST), discusses global issues on clean energy, science and innovation, and credits Obama for expanding the nation's energy vision. Barack Obama came to MIT not just to praise the Institute's leading edge energy research but to encourage all of America’s “heirs to a legacy of innovation” in their pursuit of discovery. The nation owes much of its prosperity to risk-takers and entrepreneurs, Obama said, and now, given the linked challenges of energy and climate change, we need such pioneers more than ever. After visiting MIT labs working on more efficient solar cells and lighting, batteries “that aren’t built, but grown,” and offshore wind plants that function even when the air is still, Obama told a large crowd that as the nation inevitably transitions from fossil fuels to renewable energy, we’re counting on the kind of “innovative potential on display at MIT.” Obama acknowledges the great challenges facing energy researchers and entrepreneurs. As traditional energy supplies become more precious, and energy demands grow, nations are competing to develop new ways to produce and use energy, said Obama, and the winner will lead the global economy. “I want America to be that nation. It’s that simple.” His administration’s response has been to make massive investments in both clean energy and basic science. Obama aims these efforts at both the current recession, and the nation’s future economic health. Clean energy jobs today and research “to produce the technologies of tomorrow” will “lay a new foundation for lasting prosperity.” He hopes this comprehensive approach will culminate in legislation that will transform America’s entire energy system. But Obama is under no delusion that all will embrace his plan. “The closer we get,” says Obama, the “more we’ll hear from those whose interest or ideology run counter to that much-needed action we’re engaged in.” What worries the president more, though, is a dangerous pessimism shared by many, “that our politics are too broken and our people too unwilling to make hard choices for us to actually deal with this energy issue.” Implicit in this argument, he says, is that America has lost its fighting spirit. Obama rejects this argument “because of what I’ve seen here at MIT … and because of what we know we are capable of achieving when called upon ….” The nation that harnessed electricity and the atom is one that has always sought out new frontiers, “and this generation is no different.” Obama invokes the achievements of the past as a call to arms “in what is sure to be a difficult fight in the months and years ahead” -- to ensure that “we are the energy leader that we need to be.”
关 键 词: 能源创新; 清洁能源; 基础科学
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-06-11:cjy
阅读次数: 73