

Fisheries and Global Warming: Impacts on Marine Ecosystems and Food Security
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_pauly_fgw/  
主讲教师: Daniel Pauly
开课单位: 不列颠哥伦比亚大学
开课时间: 2011-08-29
课程语种: 英语
图中向下的俯冲线说明了一切:世界鱼类种群及其渔业正在崩溃。丹尼尔保利已经分析了大量的数据 - 包括捕捞船只的数量,他们报告的捕捞数量,扔到船上的鱼的数量 - 来自世界上每个重要渔业区域超过50年,并得出结论,今天,30%的我们的渔业已经崩溃,到2048年,如果这种趋势持续下去,大多数渔业将会消失。 Pauly说,这种惨淡的事件发生在猖獗的捕鱼过程中,以及肆意浪费的捕鱼方法。带有数英里底部网的拖网渔船可能会产生大量理想的餐桌鱼,但也会产生大量不会在市场上带来太多产品的副产品鱼。这些被扔到船外。根据保利的说法,在90年代初,3000万吨鱼 - 完全占世界渔获量的1/4 - 被丢弃了。 GPS等技术的改进只会让事情变得更糟。 西方国家对这个问题的严重程度几乎没有意识到,因为在超市中没有任何迹象,鱼类部门的展示仍然存在。保利表示,这是因为欧洲和美国已向南移动鱼类。欧洲现在正在非洲附近海域航行,例如几内亚比绍只有7%的鱼。美国人越来越多地吃南美和亚洲鱼类。 “没有大规模枯竭的唯一地方是文莱,”保利说,“因为”苏丹不想在他的油井之间划船。“ 这种崩溃不仅仅是食鱼者的问题。随着收入最高的餐桌鱼消失,人类开始“沿着海洋食物网捕鱼”,捕获未成熟的鱼类,以及捕食其他物种的鱼类。在这些生态上受到干扰的水域中捕捞沉积物,并捕获底栖鱼类,无脊椎动物和珊瑚,这对健康的海洋系统至关重要。生物质消失,留下死区。 Pauly说,这些生态系统主要适用于水母和有害的藻类大量繁殖。墨西哥湾的死亡地区已经是特拉华州的大小。 当被问到吃什么鱼时,Pauly建议吃鸡肉。事实上,他并不认为“这是一个可以通过私人倡议来解决的问题。”有效的行动将意味着从世界渔业中消除燃料和其他补贴,并且只允许从事可持续采伐的小规模渔业。但即便如此,由于全球变暖对世界上剩余的鱼类产生压力,这可能无法使某些物种免于灭绝。
课程简介: Downward swooping lines on the graphs say it all: The world’s fish populations, and hence its fisheries, are collapsing. Daniel Pauly has analyzed reams of data -- including number of boats fishing, their reported catch, the amount of fish thrown overboard -- from every significant fishing area of the world over 50-plus years, and has concluded that today, 30% of our fisheries have crashed, and that by 2048, if the trend continues, most will have disappeared. This dismal turn of events comes courtesy of rampant over fishing, as well as wantonly wasteful fishing methods, says Pauly. Trawling rigs with miles of bottom-scraping nets may yield tons of desirable table fish, but also tons of byproduct—fish that don’t bring as much in the market. These get tossed overboard. In the early 90s, according to Pauly, 30 million tons of fish -- fully 1/4 of the world’s catch- -- was discarded. Improvements in technology such as GPS have only made matters worse. There’s little awareness of the magnitude of the problem among Western countries, because there’s no sign of it in supermarkets, with fish department displays still spilling over. That’s because Europe and America have moved south for their fish, says Pauly. Europe is now plying the waters off Africa, leaving Guinea-Bissau, for instance, with only 7% of its fish. Americans increasingly eat South American and Asian fish. “The only place with no massive depletion is Brunei,” says Pauly, because “the Sultan doesn’t want boats between his oil wells.” This collapse isn’t just a matter for fish eaters. As the top-paying table fish disappear, humans begin “fishing down the marine food web,” taking immature fish, and the fish that are prey to other species. Trawling in these already ecologically disturbed waters churns up sediment and takes out bottom dwelling fish, invertebrates and corals, which are essential to a healthy marine system. Biomass disappears, leaving dead zones. These ecosystems are primarily good for jellyfish and harmful algal blooms, says Pauly. The dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico is already the size of the state of Delaware. Asked what fish it’s alright to eat, Pauly recommends chicken. In fact, he doesn’t believe “it’s an issue that can be fixed by private initiatives.” Effective action would mean eliminating fuel and other subsidies from the world’s fisheries, and permitting only small scale fisheries that engage in sustainable harvesting. But even this may not save certain species from extinction, as global warming pressures the world’s remaining fish species.
关 键 词: 鱼类种群; 渔业; 生态系统
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-06-11:cjy
阅读次数: 80