

Iran: War or Peace?
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_pollack_iwp/  
主讲教师: Kenneth M. Pollack
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2013-07-24
课程语种: 英语
根据肯尼斯波拉克的说法,布什政府对伊拉克失败的恐慌现在正在推动其对伊朗的激烈态度。布什总统在2007年的国情咨文中暗示,他正在行使军事力量来对付被指控煽动伊拉克叛乱的伊朗。波拉克指出,从历史上看,当其战略证明存在缺陷时,该政府倾向于指责别人。波拉克说,就在不久之前,美国建议萨达姆·侯赛因支持所有中东地区的问题,然后当我们撤走他时,“奇怪的是,这些问题并没有消失。”现在,美国指责伊朗致命致命爆炸装置进入伊拉克,杀害美国人并阻碍那里的重建工作。波拉克说,这种“膝盖痉挛和习惯性的军刀响应”违背了我们不仅在伊拉克的最大利益,而是在阻止伊朗获得核武器的巨大努力中。如果美国希望避免更大的中东崩溃,美国必须采取措施。波拉克建议通过追求理性的外交举措来改变策略和语气。波拉克说,美国应该要求伊朗利用其在伊拉克的影响力来减少那里的混乱,并向伊朗人提供一些回报。他建议说出积极的目标,并提供激励措施。在围绕伊拉克进行对话的同时,继续与国际盟友一道对伊朗施加经济压力,放弃其核武器计划。波拉克指出,伊朗的经济“在石油资金充斥其国库的时候仍然表现不佳,造成民众的不满。”如果外国资本匮乏,伊朗可能被迫在昂贵的核武器计划和挽救其经济之间作出选择。波兰回忆说,当朝鲜选择核武器时,有300万人挨饿。伊朗不太可能做出同样的决定。因此,“慢慢转热”,同时提供帮助,以启动一个新的,高科技的经济。最重要的,波拉克锤回家,是布什政府失去好战的言论 - 即,停止“吟唱'所有选择的咒语是在伊朗的强硬派中,我们欢迎有机会将美国视为一种不公平的欺凌手段,以保持伊朗的弱势。政府似乎正在寻找方法来拯救伊拉克的崩溃遗产。波拉克说,唯一的希望就是放弃激进的言论和“重新发现外交”,包括使用奖励和物物交换。波拉克总结说,政府并不以“微妙和耐心”着称,因此伊朗可能被证明是对外交真正尝试的严峻考验。
课程简介: The Bush administration’s panic about failing in Iraq is now driving its fierce attitude toward Iran, according to Kenneth Pollack. President Bush’s 2007 State of the Union message hinted at exercising military force to deal with an Iran it accused of stoking up insurgency in Iraq. Pollack points out that historically, this administration tends to point the finger at others when its strategy proves faulty. Not that long ago, the U.S. suggested Saddam Hussein was behind all the Middle East’s problems, says Pollack, and then when we removed him, “bizarrely, the problems didn’t go away.” So now, the U.S. accuses Iran of sending deadly explosive devices into Iraq, killing Americans and obstructing reconstruction efforts there. This “knee-jerk and customary response of saber rattling” is contrary to our best interests not just in Iraq, says Pollack, but in the monumental effort to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. There are steps the U.S. must take if it hopes to avoid an even greater Middle Eastern debacle. Pollack suggests a change in tack, and tone, by pursuing rational diplomatic initiatives. The U.S., says Pollack, should ask Iran to use its influence in Iraq to diminish the mayhem there -- and offer the Iranians something in return. Spell out positive goals, and provide incentives, he suggests. And while engaged in a dialogue around Iraq, continue with international allies to apply economic pressure on Iran to abandon its nuclear weapons program. Pollack points out that Iran’s economy “continues to do poorly at a time when oil money is flooding its coffers, causing popular unhappiness.” If starved of foreign capital, Iran may be forced to choose between an expensive nuclear weapons program and salvaging its economy. When North Korea chose nuclear weapons, three million people starved, recalls Pollack. Iran is unlikely to make the same decision. So “slowly turn up the heat” while offering to help jumpstart a new, high tech-based economy. Most important, Pollack hammers home, is that the Bush administration lose the bellicose rhetoric – i.e., stop “intoning its mantra of ‘all options are on the table.’” Hardliners in Iran welcome the opportunity to cast the U.S. as an unfair bully intent on keeping Iran weak. The administration seems to be looking for ways to rescue its legacy from the debacle of Iraq. Its only hope is by dropping aggressive rhetoric and “rediscovering diplomacy,” including the use of rewards and bartering, says Pollack. The administration has not been known for “subtlety and patience,” concludes Pollack, so Iran may prove to be the acid test for a genuine attempt at diplomacy.
关 键 词: 伊朗; 军事; 外交
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-06-11:yuh
阅读次数: 88