
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_prelec_neuroeconomics/  
主讲教师: Drazen Prelec
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2010-09-10
课程语种: 英语
作为“危险的热门研究领域”的先驱,Drazen Prelec在做出决策时会闯入人脑。在神经经济学新领域的角落里,Prelec使用功能磁共振成像(fMRI)机器扫描思维,思考购买和销售Godiva巧克力和闪存驱动器等产品的优缺点。 Prelec首先提供了他的学科的出现的简要背景,通过测量大脑活动的技术进步和最近将心理学引入经济学而成为可能。行为方法和经济学的趋同(或可能是碰撞)导致了“对经济学中理性假设的持续批评,”Prelec说,这在博弈论中最为普遍。他说,如此多的当前研究“是对理性规范模型的错误预测的一系列回应。” 在过去几十年中,通过研究人类实际行为方式与经典经济学所表达方式之间的差异,出现了一些诺贝尔奖获奖作品。 Prelec描述了前景理论,它在一个公式中捕捉到“如果你看待积极的事物,你有一种看待的方式,而你是有不同的方式,那么我们的思维处理数字的方式是什么”(这样)。 ” Prelec使用三个案例研究说明了“神经经济学如何发现其中一些违反合理性的行为,试图了解大脑中的哪些方面我们可以深入了解正在发生的事情。”在一个值得注意的例子中,受试者啜饮不同的葡萄酒(通过秸秆)在fMRI,并被要求评价他们。他们被告知他们正在喝葡萄酒,价格从5美元到90美元不等。 “肮脏的伎俩是5美元和45美元的葡萄酒是相同的,10美元和90美元的葡萄酒也是如此。”毫不奇怪,“评级受到价格的巨大影响”,因此90美元的葡萄酒被认为是特殊的。 Prelec说,令人惊讶的是“大脑也是如此。”前额背后的区域,内侧前额叶皮层,与价值感知相关,当受试者体验“90美元”葡萄酒时会爆发更多活动。与完全相同的“10美元”葡萄酒。似乎质量或价值的想法 - 通常是营销策略 - 使得像葡萄酒这样的产品更加令人愉快。
课程简介: A pioneer in a “dangerously hot research area,” Drazen Prelec peers into the human brain while it makes decisions. In his corner of the new field of neuroeconomics, Prelec uses a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) machine to scan minds pondering the pros and cons of purchasing and selling products like Godiva chocolate and flash drives. Prelec first provides a brief background on the emergence of his discipline, made possible by technological advances in measuring brain activity, and the recent introduction of psychology into economics. The convergence (or perhaps collision) of behavioral approaches and economics has led to a “sustained criticism of the rationality assumption in economics,” says Prelec, most prevalent in game theory. So much current research, he says, “is a series of responses to the incorrect predictions of the rational normative model.” Some Nobel Prize-winning work has emerged in the past few decades from studying the differences between the way human beings actually behave and the way classic economics suggests. Prelec describes prospect theory, which captures in a formula how there is “something about the way our mind deals with numbers (so that) if you look at positive things, you have one way of looking, and at negative, it’s a different way.” Using three case studies, Prelec illustrates how “neuroeconomics picks up some of these violations of rationality, trying to understand where in the brain we can get a deep understanding of what’s going on.” In a notable instance, subjects sipped different wines (through a straw) in the fMRI, and were asked to rate them. They were told they were drinking wine that ranged in price from $5 to $90. The “dirty trick was the $5 and $45 wines were the same, as were the $10 and $90 wines.” Not surprisingly, “ratings were massively influenced by price,” so the $90 wine was considered exceptional. What was surprising, says Prelec, was that “the brain lies also.” An area behind the forehead, the medial prefrontal cortex, which is associated with the perception of value, burst into more activity when the subject experienced the “$90” wine than with the exact same “$10” wine. It seems as if the very idea of quality, or value -- often a marketing ploy -- makes a product like wine more enjoyable.
关 键 词: 神经经济学; 经典经济学; 前景理论
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-06-11:cjy
阅读次数: 89