
Climate and Energy: Uncertainties in Forecasts and the Problems of Scale
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_prinn_cae/  
主讲教师: Ronald G. Prinn
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2013-04-19
课程语种: 英语
当罗恩·普林(Ron Prinn)旋转一个“财富之轮”(Wheel of Fortune)时,他达到了地球升温至少3摄氏度的四分之一的机会,以及极地冰盖不可逆转融化的开始。当他旋转另一个车轮时,这种危险变暖程度的几率下降到40分之一.Prinn建议,第一轮代表了对气候变化无所作为的风险。只有通过制定在不久的将来稳定二氧化碳水平的气候政策才能实现第二轮.Prinn通过一个极其复杂的气候模型 - 综合全球系统模型(IGSM)来到这个赌场场景,该模型考虑到人促成气候变化的自然活动,产生“预测概率范围”。数据来自大气,海洋和陆地生态系统以及人类排放的测量变量。国内生产总值,能源使用,政策成本,农业和健康影响也得到了考虑。使用40万年前的冰样研究表明,虽然温度和温室气体波动,但今天的温度是过去1200年来最高的。 1998年和2005年是有史以来最温暖的年份。鉴于目前二氧化碳水平的上升,极地地区正在以比世界其他地区快得多的速度升温,这将加剧变暖。随着海洋冰融化,反射的太阳光减少,两极产生更多的热量;苔原融化也将释放出更多的气体。系统中存在反馈:甲烷等气体的微小变化会引发温度的快速变化.Prinn承认IGSM存在很大的不确定性:云起着巨大的作用,很难建模。关于排放和海洋混合,冷却器和温暖水的搅拌也存在不确定性,这些水可以将埋在海底的碳带到地面。 Prinn的警告是“从不认真对待未来气候的任何单一预测。”然而,通过运行IGSM数十万次以估计各种气候变化的可能性,Prinn及其同事说,“在蒙特卡罗感觉,建立一套预测,我们可以衡量正确或不正确的几率。“如果我们想要更好的赔率,我们需要防止当前水平的二氧化碳排放量大幅增加(和前工业水平不超过两倍)。鉴于发展中国家的增长以及美国和其他国家对收集危机的反应乏力,这是一项艰巨的任务。 Prinn增加了这种令人沮丧的情况,并指出新能源解决方案必须允许在全球范围内扩大规模。 “为了从风车中获得三万亿,你需要2100万现有风格的风车。”小规模看起来不错的解决方案“可能会大规模走向错误的方向。”
课程简介: When Ron Prinn spins one “Wheel of Fortune,” he arrives at a one in four chance of the Earth warming up at least 3 degrees centigrade, and the beginning of an irreversible melting of polar ice sheets. When he spins the other wheel, the odds of this level of dangerous warming fall to one in 40. The first wheel, Prinn suggests, represents the risks involved in doing nothing about climate change. The second wheel is attainable only by enacting a climate policy that stabilizes carbon dioxide levels in the near future. Prinn arrives at this casino scenario by way of an enormously complex climate model, the Integrated Global System Model (IGSM), which takes into account man made and natural activities forcing climate change, to generate a “probability range of forecasts.” Data come from measuring variables in the atmosphere, ocean, and land ecosystems, as well as from human emissions. GDP, energy use, policy costs, agricultural and health impacts get factored in as well. Research using 400-thousand-year-old ice samples shows that while temperatures and greenhouse gases have fluctuated, the temperatures today are the highest in the last 1200 years. 1998 and 2005 were the warmest years ever recorded. Given the current rise in carbon dioxide levels, polar regions are warming up at much faster rates than other parts of the world, which will exacerbate warming. As ocean ice melts, there’s less sunlight reflected back and more heat trapped at the poles; tundra thawing will release more gases as well. There are feedbacks in the system: small changes in gases such as methane can trigger very rapid changes in temperature. Prinn admits to big uncertainties in the IGSM: clouds, which play a large role, are difficult to model. There are also uncertainties about emissions, and ocean-mixing, the churning of cooler and warmer waters, which can bring carbon buried on the ocean floor to the surface. Prinn’s caveat is “never seriously believe any single forecast of the climate going into the future.” However, by running the IGSM hundreds of thousands of times to estimate the probability of various amounts of climate change, Prinn and colleagues are, “in the Monte Carlo sense, building up a set of forecasts on which we can put a measure of the odds of being correct or incorrect.” If we want better odds, we’ll need to prevent any major increase in carbon dioxide emissions from current levels (and no more than twice preindustrial levels). This is a tall order, given the growth of developing countries and the anemic response by the U.S. and other countries to the gathering crisis. Prinn adds to this dismal picture, noting that new energy solutions must permit scaling up on a global basis. “To get three terawatts out of windmills, you’d need 21 million of the current-style windmills.” Solutions that look good on a small scale “may be going in the wrong direction on a large scale.”
关 键 词: 气候能源; 能源规模; 预测不确定性
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-06-21:chenxin
阅读次数: 51