
The U.S. and the World’s Recession
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_rigobon_uswr/  
主讲教师: Roberto Rigobon
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2010-09-10
课程语种: 英语
罗伯托·里戈邦(Roberto Rigobon)在总结全球通货膨胀和经济衰退的初步研究时,以某种方式让观众大笑,这些数据给我们的全球经济状况带来了一些严峻的消息。 (注意:阿根廷和法国在这次谈话中受到了一些打击。)通过向中央银行的朋友们提供帮助,Rigobon收集了数十年来来自几十个国家的所有可想象产品的价格数据,从我们穿的衣服到我们开的车。他搜索主要商品(如小麦和大米)的价格变化与与之相关的国内零售商品价格变化之间的相关性,如面包,意大利面和饼干(他承认后者是他特别关注的)。他计算了增加的幅度以及价格上涨需要多长时间。 Rigobon以类似的方式描绘了石油的国际价格随着时间的推移以及石油产品的国内价格.Rigobon的一些发现:在智利,当小麦价格上涨10%时,面包价格上涨了5个月后18%。在哥伦比亚和秘鲁,同样的百分比增长需要三年时间,这些国家需要更长的时间“消化商品价格的国际冲击。”不仅面包,饼干,肉类,鸡肉的价格也在步调一致小麦,但在某些情况下,住房,健康和教育也是如此。但Rigobon发现,当国际石油价格上涨时,所有与石油相关的产品都会立即受到影响。更糟糕的是,当石油价格上涨时,汽油或汽车的汽油价格不成比例地上涨.Rigobon指出,多年来一直如此,“石油与谷物无条件地负相关。”如果油涨了,玉米,高粱和小麦价格下跌。但最近这种情况发生了变化,这标志着“我们面临的独特时期,我们所面临的政策挑战。”我们同时面临经济衰退(在很大程度上归因于次级抵押贷款危机)和通货膨胀食品和油价。他蔑视和惊叹地指出,中央银行在计算“核心通货膨胀”时不包括食物和能源。如果这些银行和政府的工作是照顾他们的公民,他们必须应对这场危机。对9/11或安然的回应。 Rigobon赞同沟通良好,透明的政策以及加息等一些强硬措施。
课程简介: Roberto Rigobon somehow makes his audience laugh while summarizing preliminary research on worldwide inflation and recession, data that bring some grim tidings about our global economic state of health. (NB: Argentina and France get knocked about a bit in this talk.) By pulling favors with friends at central banks, Rigobon has gathered data on the prices of every conceivable product from dozens of nations over many years, from the clothes we wear to the cars we drive. He searches for correlations between the changes in price of major commodities, such as wheat and rice, and price changes in domestic retail items associated with them, such as bread, pasta and cookies (the latter he admits are of special concern to him). He calculates both how much the increases are and how long it takes for the price increases to occur. In a similar fashion, Rigobon has charted the international price of oil over time, and the domestic prices of oil products. Some of Rigobon’s findings: In Chile, when the price of wheat goes up by 10%, the price of bread goes up by 5% 18 months later. In Colombia and Peru, it takes three years for this same percentage increase to occur, with these countries taking longer “to digest the international shock of commodity prices.” Not only do the prices of bread, cookies, meat, chicken, move in lockstep with wheat, but in some cases, so do housing, health and education. But Rigobon found that when the international price of oil increases, there is an immediate impact on all products related to oil. What’s worse, when the price of oil increases, the price of gas at the pump or for a rental car goes up disproportionately. It’s been true for years, notes Rigobon, that “oil is unconditionally negatively correlated with cereals.” If oil is up, maize, sorghum and wheat prices are down. But this has recently changed, a sign “of the unique times we’re in, the policy challenges we’re facing.” We are simultaneously facing recession (due in large part to the sub-prime mortgage crisis), and inflation, in both food and oil prices. Central banks, he notes with scorn and wonderment, don’t include food and energy in their calculations of “core inflation.” If the job of these banks and government is to take care of their citizens, they must respond to this crisis along the lines of the response to 9/11 or Enron. Rigobon endorses well-communicated, transparent policies, and some tough measures like interest rate increases.
关 键 词: 全球经济; 通货膨胀; 价格
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-06-12:lxf
阅读次数: 141