
Leading Across Boundaries
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_senge_oconnor_leautier_hockenst...  
主讲教师: Peter Senge, Jeremy Hockenstein, Frannie Léautier, Ronald O'Connor
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2013-03-06
课程语种: 英语
“这是一个奇怪而自相矛盾的时期,”主持人Peter Senge说,人们“越来越多地生活在彼此的后院” - 全球相互依存,但也受到经济和政治的支配。 Senge认为“跨越边界是我们这个时代的决定性挑战”。 Ron O'Connor是跨越边界的先驱。 30年前,他在尼泊尔作为一名医科学生做志愿者时,观察到如果实施最新的公共卫生措施,可以根除的毁灭性死亡率。但他也明白,西方人不能简单地进入并对不同的文化强加解决方案。 “我们被视为一个大型大猩猩,对无助的小国家进行了抨击。”他创立的这个组织协助并培训了当地社区和领导者,以建立自己的健康解决方案。在孟加拉国的计划生育工作中,奥康纳“很高兴看到文盲村妇女自我组织”,并将生育率降低了20多年。 在Frannie Leautier的工作中,她被禁止“通过金钱来影响......仅仅通过创意。”“我不能依赖于人们互相交谈并共同做出决定,”她说。所以她的客户的观点和需求是第一位的。例如,在斯里兰卡,Leautier的小组在一个贫穷的村庄里生活了两个星期,她了解到提供自来水不如创建两个池塘更重要:一个用于人,另一个用于大象。 Jeremy Hockenstein说,他“受到了比我更有胜过并且比以前更努力工作的人们的启发。”访问柬埔寨时,Hockenstein向大量贫困人士介绍了“试图学习计算机和英语”,但没有工作存在。他决定启动一项数据录入业务,致力于为一些最贫困的柬埔寨人提供体面的生计。数字鸿沟数据培训和雇用残疾人和妇女从性交易中获救等。他们每天工作六小时,然后去上学。霍肯斯坦说:“我们衡量自己将来会有多少人继续从事更好的工作。” 中心发布]] **
课程简介: “This is a strange and paradoxical time,” says moderator Peter Senge, in which people live “more and more in each other’s backyard”-- interdependent globally but also fragmented by economics and politics. Senge believes “working across boundaries is the defining challenge” of our era. Ron O’Connor is a pioneer in the practice of crossing boundaries. While volunteering as a medical student in Nepal 30 years ago, he observed devastating mortality rates that could be eradicated if up-to-date public health measures were implemented. But he also understood that Westerners couldn’t simply go in and impose solutions on a different culture. “We’re seen as a big gorilla knocking over small helpless countries.” The organization he founded assists and trains native communities and leaders to put their own health solutions in place. In a Bangladesh family planning effort, O’Connor was “thrilled to see illiterate village women organize themselves” and halve their fertility rate over two decades. In Frannie Leautier’s job, she’s forbidden to “influence via money….just through ideas.” “I can’t rely on much more than people talking to each other and making decisions together,” she says. So her clients’ perspective and needs come first. In Sri Lanka, for instance, where Leautier’s group lived for two weeks in a poor village, she learned that providing running water was less essential than creating two ponds: one for people and the other for elephants. Jeremy Hockenstein says he’s “inspired by people who have overcome much more than me and worked harder than I ever had.” A visit to Cambodia introduced Hockenstein to large numbers of poor people “trying to learn computers, and English” but for whom no jobs existed. He decided to launch a data entry business dedicated to providing some of the neediest Cambodians with decent livelihoods. Digital Divide Data trains and hires disabled people and women rescued from sex trafficking, among others. They work six-hour days and go to school. Says Hockenstein, “We measure ourselves by how many go on to better jobs in the future.” Center Launch]]**
关 键 词: 跨越边界; 公共卫生措施; 健康解决方案
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-06-15:cjy
阅读次数: 37