
Leadership from the Boardroom to the Classroom
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_shames_lbc/  
主讲教师: Jeffrey Shames
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2010-07-29
课程语种: 英语
杰弗里·沙姆斯(Jeffrey Shames)说,没有单一的成功领导风格,但实际上有很多好方法可以胜任这项工作。关键是要了解你是什么类型的领导者。 Shames引用了情绪智力的作者Daniel Goleman所描述的六类领导者:强制性领导者(“我的方式或高速公路”);民主领袖('你觉得怎么样?');有远见的人;标兵;教练;和快乐的工作场所塑造。 Shames将自己列入最后一类。在被称为“老波士顿婆罗门公司”的投资负责人之后,他在32岁时成为了管理层。他之前从未管理过任何人,并突然对100岁以上的人和组织的一个区域负责。这产生了90%的收入。但是,他说,“大多数首席执行官都会告诉你,当他们被置于不合格的状态时,他们学得最多,”对于沙姆斯来说也是如此。他领导公司的收入从1亿美元增加到12亿美元,并将MFS Investments转变为“财富”杂志评选的前100家公司之一。他对新毕业的MBA学生的建议:失去你的“消极偏见”和“在组织中传播信心 - 传达人们可以做任何事情。”
课程简介: There is no single style of successful leadership, says Jeffrey Shames, but in fact lots of good ways to approach the job. The key is understanding what type of leader you are. Shames cites six categories of leader described by Daniel Goleman, author of Emotional Intelligence: the coercive leader (‘my way or the highway’); democratic leader (‘what do you think?’); the visionary; pacesetter; coach; and happy workplace shaper. Shames counts himself in the final category. He fell into management after being named the head of investment at an “old Boston Brahmin firm” at the callow age of 32. He had never managed anyone before, and was suddenly responsible for 100 people older than himself and for an area of the organization that generated 90% of its revenues. But, he says, “Most CEOs will tell you they learned the most when thrown into a situation they were unqualified for,” and it was true for Shames. He led the company from $100 million in revenues to $1.2 billion, and transformed MFS Investments into one of Fortune Magazine’s top 100 companies to work for. His advice to newly minted MBAs: lose your “negativity bias” and “spread confidence in an organization -- communicate that people can accomplish anything.”
关 键 词: 情绪智力; 强制性领导者; 消极偏见
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-06-15:cjy
阅读次数: 94