
Why Bad Things Happen to Good Technologies
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_sterman_wbth/  
主讲教师: John D. Sterman
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2013-03-25
课程语种: 英语
约翰斯特曼通过一些关于应对气候变化的流行建议挖掘漏洞,通过清醒的案例研究证明了为什么“技术解决方案不足以解决创造可持续发展世界的问题”。 我们对气候变化问题寄予了太多希望,即“更好的捕鼠器创新理论”,Sterman说。它是这样的:麻省理工学院等地的新技术将降低可再生能源的成本,增加对无碳可再生能源的需求并取代化石燃料。在政府的一两次监管推动或一些激励和排放费用之后,新能源市场出现了。 为了证明这一理论有多么完全错误,Sterman首先讨论了消费者从未采用的优质产品,例如Sony Betamax录像机。更重要的是,他指出目前的机会将大大减少我们的碳足迹,但却被整个社会所忽视,例如提高燃油效率和保温建筑物。我们拒绝这些机会表明我们无法理解“我们所嵌入的系统的复杂性以及我们部署技术的复杂性”,特别是反馈的概念。 Sterman经历了一项“思想实验”,涉及在加利福尼亚引入氢气,零尾气排放替代燃料汽车(AFV) - 这是一个可以想象的跨越,旨在创建一个生态和经济上可持续的交通系统。政府启动了AFV市场,推出了城市中心的加油站,并基本上补贴了十年的转型。你预计这个AFV最终会获得至少50%的市场份额。但当Sterman进行模拟时,AFV停滞在25%左右。 事实证明,如果加油站甚至没有通过该州最偏远的地区分配,人们担心他们会在哪里找到燃料,导致对AFV的需求疲软。这是“许多强化反馈中的一个,这些反馈为进入与现有技术一样好或更好的技术创造了强大的障碍,”Sterman说。 Sterman的加利福尼亚模拟显示,即使是燃油效率较高的AFV也无法赢得市场份额。 这些模型提供了一些微弱的承诺。当Sterman在农村地区增加加油站时,AFV市场取得了成功 - 经过了相当长的时间。斯特曼认为采用新技术有一个转折点。他说,贬低汽油很难,所以我们需要创造多种加强反馈来改变所有参与者的行为。 “我们必须把那个代表市场的球推到一个陡峭的山峰上,只有在越过高峰之后,市场才能自我维持。”
课程简介: John Sterman pokes holes through some popular proposals for addressing climate change, with sobering case studies that demonstrate why “technological solutions are not enough to address the problem of creating a sustainable world.” We are staking too much hope for a climate change fix on “the better mousetrap theory of innovation,” says Sterman. It goes like this: New technology from places like MIT will drive down the cost of renewable energy, increase demand for carbon-free renewables and displace fossil fuels. New energy markets emerge, after a regulatory nudge or two from the government, or some incentives and emissions fees. To demonstrate how completely wrong this theory is, Sterman first discusses great products never adopted by consumers, such as the Sony Betamax video recorder. More to the point, he notes current opportunities that would significantly reduce our carbon footprint yet have been ignored by society at large, such as improving fuel efficiency, and insulating buildings. Our rejection of these opportunities suggests we can’t comprehend “the complexity of systems in which we are embedded and into which we deploy technologies,” particularly the concept of feedback. Sterman runs through a ‘thought experiment’ involving the introduction of a hydrogen-based, zero tailpipe emission alternative fuel vehicle (AFV) into California – a conceivable leap toward creating an ecologically and economically sustainable transportation system. The government kick-starts the AFV market, rolling out fuel stations in urban centers, and essentially subsidizing the transition for a decade. You’d expect this AFV eventually to command at least 50% of the market share. But when Sterman runs his simulations, the AFV stagnates at around 25%. It turns out that if fuel stations are not distributed through even the remotest parts of the state, people worry about where they’ll find fuel, leading to weak demand for AFVs. This is “only one of the many reinforcing feedbacks which create strong barriers to the entry of technologies which are as good or better than incumbent technologies,” says Sterman. Even an AFV with higher fuel efficiency can’t win market share, Sterman’s California simulations show. The models offer some faint promise. When Sterman puts more fuel stations in rural areas, the AFV market succeeds -- after an extraordinarily long time. Sterman believes there’s a tipping point in the adoption of new technologies. Dethroning gasoline will be difficult, he says, so we need to create multiple reinforcing feedbacks to change the behaviors of all the players. “We must push that ball, which represents where the market is, up a steep mountain, and only after crossing the peak will the market become self-sustaining.”
关 键 词: 气候变化; 流行建议; 捕鼠器创新理论
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-06-15:cjy
阅读次数: 22