
Nanotechnology and the Study of Human Diseases
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_suresh_nshd/  
主讲教师: Subra Suresh
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2011-05-23
课程语种: 英语
Subra Suresh充实了纳米技术的前景,至少在我们对疾病的理解方面。他的演讲主要关注疟疾及其对红细胞的影响,展示了工程学,生物学和医学领域如何融合。 他解释说,为了正常运作,红细胞 - 直径8微米或人类头发厚度的1/10 - 必须能够挤过血管中的三个微米开口。使用“激光镊子”和两个微小(纳米尺寸)玻璃珠,Suresh可以施加压力来拉伸单个细胞,使它们变得足够薄以适合穿过小开口。他使用计算机三维模拟红细胞在人体正常情况下如何折叠和延长。 对于疟疾,感染的红细胞失去了伸展的能力,而Suresh可以精确测量变形程度。寄生虫改变细胞的分子结构,“变得僵硬和粘稠”,不能通过小血管移动。因此,通常清除体内杂质的脾脏无法发挥作用,疾病也会进展。 Suresh与一群全球合作者一起致力于对疟疾寄生虫进行遗传操作,以了解敲除单个蛋白质可能如何影响受感染细胞的结构。这种生物分子的测量和操作有朝一日可能导致每年感染超过4亿人的疾病的新疗法。 Suresh还将纳米技术应用于其他疾病。他说,他正在研究癌细胞如何“变得不那么僵硬,更容易移动,导致转移性入侵。”这可能最终证明在研究乳腺癌方面很有用。
课程简介: Subra Suresh fleshes out the promise of nanotechnology, at least in regard to our understanding of disease. His talk, which focuses on malaria and its impact on red blood cells, demonstrates how the fields of engineering, biology and medicine are converging. To function properly, he explains, a red blood cell -- eight micrometers in diameter or 1/10th the thickness of a human hair -- must be able to squeeze through three micrometer openings in blood vessels. Working with a “laser tweezer” and two tiny (nano-sized) glass beads, Suresh can apply pressure to stretch single cells so that they become thin enough to fit through small openings. He uses a computer to simulate in three dimensions how red blood cells might fold and lengthen under normal conditions in the human body. With malaria, infected red blood cells lose their ability to stretch, and Suresh can measure precisely the degree of deformation. The parasite changes the molecular structure of the cell, which “becomes stiff and sticky,” unable to move through small blood vessels. So the spleen, which normally clears impurities from the body, can’t do its job, and the disease progresses. With a global group of collaborators, Suresh is working on genetic manipulation of the malaria parasite to see how knocking out individual proteins might impact the structure of the infected cell. This kind of biomolecular measurement and manipulation may some day lead to new therapies for a disease that infects more than 400 million people per year. Suresh is also applying nanotech approaches to other diseases. He is looking into how cancer cells “become less stiff, move more easily, leading to metastatic invasions.” This may ultimately prove useful in studying breast cancer, he says.
关 键 词: 纳米技术; 疟疾; 红细胞
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-06-15:cjy
阅读次数: 6