
Building Technology that Matters: Global Opportunities in Engineering
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_templeton_bttm/  
主讲教师: Richard K. Templeton
开课单位: 德州仪器公司
开课时间: 2013-02-04
课程语种: 英语
“伟大的创新作为一个社会摆在我们面前,”Rich Templeton认为。这意味着年轻人进入劳动力队伍的机会,特别是那些追求科学和工程的人。 “世界正变得技术更加复杂,了解这个世界如何运作的人将会受益,无论他们的职业是什么:研究员,科学家,律师或销售人员。”自亚历山大·格雷厄姆·贝尔发明电话以来的130年里,十亿陆地线电话已安装。在手机20年的历史中,全球已有30亿台手机在流通。这个数字可能会很快达到40亿。 “我不知道世界上三分之二人口使用的任何其他产品,”坦普尔顿说。他将消费者市场的爆炸视为企业家和其他人进入就业市场的巨大动力。他敦促听众将中国和印度的新兴经济体视为一个受欢迎的变革,而不是威胁。 “我们还有30亿新增消费者......他们将在一夜之间推动经济发展。我们从未见过这种转型......在世界历史上。“电气工程和生命科学的融合将为产品开发创造一个强大的领域。 Templeton设想了便携式,低功耗和低成本超声波设备等设备,能够在偏远的村庄运行,或植入式设备,以诊断和监控个人的健康.Templeton本身是工程教育的产物,但他的大学顾问的懊恼,选择率先进入销售。这是他从不后悔的选择。 “这不是为了赚钱,而是因为我喜欢它,”坦普尔顿说。他发现技术背景对他与客户的关系有着无可估量的帮助。当学生询问选择职业道路的时候,他建议说:“放松,做你认为你会玩得开心的事情,做一些你不熟悉的事情,挑战因你没有背景而吓到你的事情在里面。”
课程简介: “The great innovations are in front of us as a society,” believes Rich Templeton. This means glowing opportunities for young people entering the workforce, especially those pursuing science and engineering. “The world is getting technologically more sophisticated, and people who understand how this world works will be advantaged, no matter what their occupation: researcher, scientist, lawyer or salesperson.” In the 130 years since Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone, one billion land line phones have been installed. In the 20-year-history of the cell phone, three billion units have come into circulation around the globe. That number may go up to four billion soon. “I don’t know of any other product that two-thirds of the world’s population uses,” Templeton remarks. He views the explosion of consumer markets as an enormous incentive to entrepreneurs and others moving into the job market. He urges listeners to consider the emerging economies of China and India as a welcome change, not a threat. “We’ve got three billion additional consumers…who will drive the economy, overnight. We’ve never seen that type of transformation … in the history of the world.” The convergence of electrical engineering and life sciences will create a robust area for product development. Templeton envisions such equipment as portable, low power, and low cost ultrasound machines, capable of operating in remote villages, or implantable devices to diagnose and monitor an individual’s health. Templeton himself is a product of an engineering education, but to his college advisor’s chagrin, chose to head first into sales. It’s a choice he’s never regretted. “It wasn’t about making money, it was because I enjoyed it,” Templeton says. He’s found that a technical background immeasurably helped in his relations with customers. When students ask about choosing a career path, he advises, “Relax, do what you think you’ll have fun doing, and work on things you’re not familiar with, challenging stuff that scares you because you don’t have a background in it.”
关 键 词: 电气工程; 生命科学; 工程教育; 技术背景
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-12:章泽平(课程编辑志愿者)
阅读次数: 70