
The Emergence of China in the Global Economy
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_thurow_teoc/  
主讲教师: Lester Thurow
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2013-03-20
课程语种: 英语
拿破仑告诫世界要提防一个被唤醒的中国。 200年后,Lester Thurow追溯了这个经济巨人的惊人崛起。 Thurow说,与俄罗斯形成鲜明对比的是,中国在不到20年的时间里解决了从共产主义走向资本主义的问题。从1978年开始,中国领导人结束了公社,并为勤劳的农民提供了公顷的土地。领导者还在一系列城市中对私营企业进行了测试。到了20世纪90年代中期,“现在是玩国际游戏的时候了,”Thurow说。中国寻求技术和外国投资。但“你怎么卖国家”?根据Thurow的说法,中国决定,“我们是制造一切的最便宜的地方。”外国公司涌入,向中国出售设备,或在那里生产产品并将其出售给发达国家。但现在存在一些问题:中国没有维护知识产权的规定,因此中国公司肆无忌惮地盗版西方技术和产品,并低估了投资它们的外国公司。此外,Thurow认为,中国惊人增长的故事往往就是这样 - 官僚们为促销而推销的小说。 “中国取得了巨大的成功,但并未以每年9%至10%的速度增长。”最后,繁荣城市与停滞的农村地区之间的分歧威胁着人民共和国的长期稳定。
课程简介: Napoleon admonished the world to beware an awakened China. 200 years later, Lester Thurow traces the astonishing rise of this economic giant. In contrast to Russia, says Thurow, China solved the problem of moving from communism to capitalism in less than two decades. Starting in 1978, Chinese leaders ended communes and gave hectares of land to industrious peasants. Leaders also tested private enterprise in a succession of cities. By the mid 1990s, “the time had come to play the international game,” says Thurow. China sought technology and foreign investment. But “how do you sell a country”? According to Thurow, China decided, “We’re the cheapest place to make everything.” Foreign firms flooded in, selling equipment to China, or making products there and selling them back to the developed world. But now there are problems: China has no regulations for maintaining intellectual property rights, so Chinese companies pirate Western technology and products with impunity, and undersell the foreign firms that have invested in them. Also, Thurow believes tales of China’s phenomenal growth are often just that – fictions sold by bureaucrats to rate a promotion. “China is a great success but it’s not growing at 9 to 10% a year.” Finally, divisions between prosperous cities and stagnant rural areas threaten long-term stability in the People’s Republic.
关 键 词: 中国经济; 崛起; 分歧
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-06-20:yuh
阅读次数: 53