

Alzheimer’s Disease: Current State and Hope for the Future
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_tsai_adcs/  
主讲教师: Li-Huei Tsai
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2010-10-07
课程语种: 英语
以人类的痛苦和统计数据来衡量,阿尔茨海默病(AD)呈现出一种令人生畏的幽灵:全世界的发病率接近3000万且迅速增长,现在已成为美国第六大死亡原因。随着预期寿命的延长,预计AD在未来几十年的流行率将增加三倍。该疾病发现于近50%的85岁及以上人群中。 AD老年人的医疗费用增加了三倍。这些令人生畏的事实给分子神经科学家李慧才的研究提供了紧迫性和重要性.Tsai以阿尔茨海默氏症的历史视角开始她的演讲,1901年在德国首次记录为“奇怪的行为症状和短期记忆丧失。”患者的大脑显示“标志性病理性病变:淀粉样斑块和神经原纤维缠结。”Telltale表现包括“健忘,......混乱,思维混乱,判断力受损”,表达自己的困难,空间和时间的迷失方向,以及日常活动中的丧失能力。家庭成员必须经常辞职以提供全天候的照顾。在晚期疾病中,卧床不起会导致慢性感染,继发性疾病和最终死亡。严重的临床诊断可能是难以捉摸的。放射性示踪剂的成像技术,使用选择性结合淀粉样斑块的化合物,有助于识别AD。 Tsai描述了由麻省理工学院的研究人员开发的几种认知测试,以帮助确认疾病。一种方法评估保留口头事实和几何图形。另一种诊断工具是功能性MRI,精确定位在暴露于新场景和重复场景时激活的大脑区域,这是对记忆的挑战。两种方法都揭示了AD患者和对照组之间的明显区别。“目前没有可以预防,延缓或逆转阿尔茨海默病的治疗方法,”Tsai说。美国食品和药物管理局批准的作用于神经递质的药物仅在几个月内推迟认知恶化。使用转基因小鼠模型,Tsai的开创性研究旨在针对可以优先操纵蛋白质以呈现所需结构的化合物。细胞分化成神经元可以通过增加特定区域的脑容积来帮助纠正AD的缺陷,从而增强学习和记忆。正如实验小鼠受试者在“环境丰富......通过保持他们非常身体活动”方面表现更好,Tsai回忆说“人们受过高等教育,更积极的生活方式“随着年龄的增长而受到认知。至于遗传和环境因素各自的贡献,她认为“它确实是一种组合。”尽管对阿尔茨海默氏症的治疗不仅仅是药物治疗,但Tsai希望能够识别化学化合物,以改善消除活力和尊严之一的特征性脑萎缩。
课程简介: Measured in human suffering, and by statistics, Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) presents a formidable specter: with incidence approaching 30 million worldwide and growing rapidly, it is now the sixth leading cause of death in the US. As life expectancy lengthens, AD is anticipated to triple in prevalence over the next few decades. The disease is found in nearly 50% of people age 85 and older. Triply higher medical costs are incurred by seniors with AD. These daunting facts give urgency and weight to molecular neuroscientist Li-Huei Tsai’s research. Tsai begins her presentation with an historical perspective of Alzheimer’s, first documented in 1901 in Germany as “strange behavioral symptoms and loss of short-term memory.” Post-mortem examination of a patient’s brain showed “the hallmark pathological lesions: amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles.” Telltale manifestations include “forgetfulness, …confusion, disorganized thinking, impaired judgment,” difficulty expressing oneself, spatial and temporal disorientation, and incapacity in daily activities. Family members must often quit jobs to provide round-the-clock care. In the advanced disease, becoming bedridden engenders chronic infections, secondary conditions, and eventual demise. Definitive clinical diagnosis can be elusive. Imaging techniques with radioactive tracers, using a compound that selectively binds with amyloid plaques, help to identify AD. Tsai describes several cognitive tests developed by fellow MIT researchers to aid in confirming the disease. One method assesses retention of verbal facts and geometric figures. Another diagnostic tool is functional MRI, pinpointing brain areas activated upon exposure to new versus repeated scenes, a challenge for memory. Both approaches reveal notable distinctions between AD patients and control subjects. “Currently there is no treatment that can prevent, delay or reverse Alzheimer’s Disease,” says Tsai. FDA approved drugs that act upon neurotransmitters postpone cognitive deterioration by only a few months. Using a transgenic mouse model, Tsai’s pioneering research seeks to target compounds that can preferentially manipulate proteins to assume a desired structure. Resulting cellular differentiation into neurons could help correct deficits of AD by augmenting brain volume in specific regions, thereby enhancing learning and memory. Just as experimental mouse subjects perform better with “environmental enrichment…by keeping them very physically engaged,” Tsai recounts that “people with higher education, more active lifestyles” benefit cognitively as they age. As to the respective contributions of genetic and environmental factors, she believes “it’s really a combination.” Though treatment for Alzheimer’s will not be solely pharmaceutical, Tsai hopes to identify chemical compounds to ameliorate the characteristic brain atrophy that robs one of vitality and dignity.
关 键 词: 阿尔茨海默病; 统计数据; 化学化合物
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-06-18:yuh
阅读次数: 42