
Teaching the Second Law
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_tsl_silbey/  
主讲教师: Robert J. Silbey, Kimberly Hamad-Schifferli, Bernhardt Trout, Jeffrey Lewins, Michael von Spakovsky, Enzo Zanchini, Howard Butler, Andrew Foley, Joseph Smith
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2013-07-24
课程语种: 英语
罗伯特·西尔贝(Robert Silbey)是化学教学的老手(已有40年历史),但每当他转向热力学第二定律时,他“总是非常紧张。”从这个教育工作者小组中,我们可以感受到教室的挑战性。约瑟夫·史密斯指出,教学方法“取决于应用”,应用既是理论上的,也是实践性的。史密斯说,学生必须首先询问什么是熵,为什么需要熵。他专注于“经常被忽视的理想化”,例如隔离,均衡和系统边界。 “如果我们在初学者的脑海中没有直截了当,那就会产生很多困惑。”对于霍华德巴特勒的思维方式,“教授第二定律比教牛顿第二运动定律更困难,更具挑战性。 ,“因为所涉及的概念都是如此复杂和抽象,并且因为第二定律采取了非常不同的形式,这取决于正在考虑哪个热力学领域。”Andrew Foley“尽量不要过于担心熵是什么。”相反,他把整个概念当作一个会计问题来处理:“钱是通过薄荷转移的。”我们可以“推动能源的财产而不是金钱,并产生一种能量方程式的计算。”Foley说, “第一定律,第二定律都是会计学。”随着工程学和生物学的融合,“学生理解生物分子的热力学非常重要,”Kim Hamad Schifferli说。她展示了玻尔兹曼分布的生物学例子,如从双链到单链形式的DNA卷曲。 Hamad Schifferli承认,这很难让学生内心地掌握,并且“有一点很重要的是格子模型,例如混合两种气体的熵。”Bernhardt Trout也引用了Boltzmann,“他强烈地相信原子,没有实质性的证据。“这是因为”他不想相信灵魂,他想要相信我们只不过是物质和动作。“特劳特说,虽然我们可以得到更准确的数学原子描述,”我们应该向我们的学生讲授这些最基本的问题,试图在他们存在的原始背景下重新解决原始问题。“Jeffery Lewins回忆起他在大学期间被”加入了“。他指出,“在伟大的书中,基南教授使用能量熵体积空间很晚才讨论平衡。”Lewins建议在教学中可以更多地利用这个空间.Enzo Zanchini讨论“严格的熵定义也适用于非平衡“他考虑封闭系统,并提出了一套完整的基本定义,超越了第一定律和能量,以及第二定律和熵。”有很多关于热力学的教科书,许多思想学派,迈克尔说。 von Spakovsky因为“在很多事情上没有达成很多共识。”他回顾了麻省理工学院开发的统一理论如何通过提出“更广泛,自我一致的量子运动学和动力学”来帮助解决热力学中的关键问题,成为物质的内在属性,包括单个粒子。“
课程简介: Robert Silbey is an old hand at teaching chemistry (40 years and counting), yet each time he turns to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, he’s “always very nervous.” From this panel of educators, we get a sense of how challenging a classroom subject the Second Law can be. Joseph Smith notes that the teaching approach “depends on the application,” and applications are both theoretical and practical. Students must first ask what is entropy, and why is it needed, says Smith. He focuses on “idealizations that often get ignored,” such as isolation, equilibrium and system boundaries. “If we don’t get those straight in the beginning student’s mind, then there’s a lot of confusion.” To Howard Butler’s way of thinking, “teaching the Second Law is much more difficult and challenging a task than teaching Newton’s Second Law of Motion,” both because the concepts involved are so much more complex and abstract, and because the Second Law takes on very different forms depending on which thermodynamic domain is being considered.” Andrew Foley “tries not to worry too much about what entropy is.” Instead, he handles the whole concept as if it were an accounting problem: “money being moved through a mint.” We can “shove the property of energy instead of money, and produce a form of accounting for energy equations.” Says Foley, “First Law, Second Law -- it’s all accounting.” As engineering and biology converge, “it’s important that students understand the thermodynamics of biological molecules,” says Kim Hamad- Schifferli. She demonstrates the Boltzmann distribution with such biological examples as the coiling of DNA from its double-stranded to single-stranded form. Hamad- Schifferli acknowledges that entropy is very difficult for students to grasp viscerally, and that “one thing that helps greatly is the lattice model -- the entropy of mixing two gases, for example.” Bernhardt Trout also invokes Boltzmann, “who believed in atoms vehemently, without substantive proof.” This is because “he didn’t want to believe in the soul, he wanted to believe we are nothing but matter and motion.” Trout says that while we can get a more accurate, mathematical description of atoms, “we owe it to our students to teach them about these most fundamental issues to try to reengage the original questions in the original context in which they existed.” Jeffery Lewins reminisces about being “Keenanized” during his college years. He notes that “in the great book, Professor Keenan uses the energy-entropy volume space quite late to discuss equilibrium.” Lewins suggests that more can be made of this space in teaching. Enzo Zanchini discusses “a rigorous definition of entropy valid also for nonequilibrium states.” He considers closed systems, and lays out a thorough set of basic definitions, going over the First Law and energy, and the Second Law and entropy. “There are so many textbooks on thermodynamics, so many schools of thought, says Michael von Spakovsky because “there is not a whole lot of agreement on a lot of things.” He recounts how a unified theory developed at MIT helped resolve key issues in thermodynamics, by proposing “a broader, self-consistent quantum kinematics and dynamics. … Entropy becomes an intrinsic property of matter, including single particles.”
关 键 词: 教学方法; 思想学派; 封闭系统
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-08:cxin
阅读次数: 53