
News, Information and the Wealth of Networks
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_uricchio_benkler_jenkins_news/  
主讲教师: Yochai Benkler, Henry Jenkins, William C. Uricchio
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2011-02-21
课程语种: 英语
每位发言者都会审视数字技术从各自领域发布的广泛变化。与此同时,这些作者找到了相当多的共同点.Yochai Benkler描述了全球大约6亿人的计算机和连接的传播如何改变了生产经济。 Benkler说,它创造了一种新的条件,即最先进经济体核心经济活动中最重要的投入在人口中广泛分布:计算和通信资源,人类创造力,直觉,经验和动力。他们自己或与合作者可以在不需要正式授权或集中管理的情况下采取行动.Benkler所描述的基于同伴生产的公共产品创造了竞争和新的市场机会。英国广播公司现在利用提供独特内容的个人,例如最近发生恐怖主义爆炸事件后伦敦地铁内部的手机图像。这种为世界其他地方发布材料的新自由对民主产生了重大影响。 Benkler回忆起基于互联网的对有缺陷的Diebold投票机的攻击,这导致了法律判决,尽管一年太晚不能影响选举回归。知识和文化的生产和分配也对人类福祉和发展产生影响,开源出版生物信息学以及医学和农业创新。 “我们开始实践自由和平等的人类的新方式,”本克勒说,尽管任何收益都将“受到全球性和持续的政治和监管斗争。”亨利·詹金斯认识到“顶级”之间的趋同,有时是碰撞向下“和”自下而上“媒体。我们生活在一个“每个故事,形象,声音,关系和品牌都将通过最大数量的媒体渠道进行的世界,无论是合法还是非法,企业还是业余,”他说。这种参与性文化与传统的集中力量相互作用。基层吸收故事或消费大众媒体提供的材料,然后过滤或评论它 - 例如,MoveOn.org的“布什在30秒”视频比赛。大众媒体采取基层内容,并试图将其出售给用户,或生成“astroturf” - 假基层材料。詹金斯说,“有人说我们生活在一个五家公司控制着媒体生活的世界里。其他人说我们生活在一个没有看门人的世界里。我说,“是的,两者都是如此。”在这个“学徒阶段”,我们正在获得参与式文化和集体智慧方面的技能,首先是粉丝,博主和游戏玩家。但这将“快速转化为新形式的激进主义。”詹金斯引用卡特里娜飓风期间业余照片,歌曲和漫画如何帮助塑造公众对灾难应对的看法。詹金斯说,“西翼”的最后一个季节引发了跨越党派界限的博客圈的政治参与,“提出了纯粹党派选举的方法。”但他警告称存在参与差距:“如果你生活在一个拥有10分钟连接速度较慢的带宽的世界中,那么你就拥有了不平等的访问权限。”
课程简介: Each speaker examines the widespread change unleashed by digital technology from his respective field. At the same time, these authors find quite a bit of common ground. Yochai Benkler describes how the spread of computers and connectivity - to perhaps 600 million people worldwide - has shifted the economics of production. It has, says Benkler, “created a new condition where the most important inputs into the core economic activities of the most advanced economies are widely distributed in the population: computation and communication resources, human creativity, intuition, experience and motivation.” Individuals on their own or with collaborators can act without requiring formal authority or central management. What Benkler characterizes as commons-based peer production creates both competition and new market opportunities. The BBC is now taking advantage of individuals who offer unique content, such as cell phone images from inside the London Underground following recent terrorist bombings. This new freedom to post material for the rest of the world to view has major ramifications for democracy. Benkler recalls the Internet-based attack on flawed Diebold voting machines, which led to legal judgment -- albeit a year too late to affect election returns. The production and distribution of knowledge and culture also has implications for human welfare and development, with open source publishing of bioinformatics and medical and agricultural innovations. “We are beginning to practice new ways of being free and equal human beings,” says Benkler, though any gains will be “subject to a global and persistent political and regulatory battle.” Henry Jenkins discerns convergence, and sometimes collision, between “top down” and “bottom up” media. We live in a world “where every story, image, sound, relationship, and brand is going to be conducted across the maximum number of media channels, legally or illegally, corporate or amateur,” he says. This participatory culture engages in a give and take with traditional, centralized powers. The grassroots absorbs stories or consumes material provided by the mass media, then filters or comments on it – e.g., MoveOn.org’s “Bush in 30 Seconds” video contest. Mass media takes the grassroots content, and attempts to sell it back to users, or generates “astroturf”—fake grassroots material. Says Jenkins, “Some say we live in a world where five companies control media in our lives. Others say we live in a world where there are no gatekeepers. I say, ‘Yes, that’s true’ to both.” In this “apprenticeship stage,” we are acquiring skills in participatory culture and collective intelligence, first as fans, bloggers and gamers. But this will “translate to new forms of activism in a rapid way.” Jenkins cites how amateur photos, songs, and cartoons during Hurricane Katrina helped shape public opinion about the disaster response. The final season of “West Wing” engendered political engagement in the blogosphere that straddled party lines, “suggesting ways out of purely partisan elections,” says Jenkins. But he warns of a participation gap: “If you live in a world with 10 minutes of connectivity with slow bandwidth, you have unequal access.”
关 键 词: 数字信息技术; 媒体世界; 访问权限
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-08:cxin
阅读次数: 20