

How Can Communities, Cities and Regions Recover From Disaster?
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_vale_kochan_thompson_rrd/  
主讲教师: Thomas A. Kochan, J. Phillip Thompson, Lawrence J. Vale
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2013-03-08
课程语种: 英语
“城市是否有弹性?过去和现在的灾难恢复”新奥尔良会再次崛起,如果是这样,会以什么形式出现? Lawrence J. Vale既舒适又谨慎。他说:“在过去的200年里,几乎没有任何一个大城市在重大灾难发生后没有重建的情况。”淡水河谷表示,无论是炸弹后的广岛,还是19世纪后的芝加哥,城市灾难都成为“重建更强大”的机会。公民和政策制定者围绕这些常见的创伤,持续的恐怖以及不可避免的进步和可能的救赎分享叙述。新奥尔良的问题将是政治和经济如何依附于这些主题。这个城市将成为“一个迪斯尼营地,全年狂欢节,”淡水河谷想知道,还是来自住房项目和港口的人们也可以获得席位?“卡特里娜飓风:罗斯福会做什么?”托马斯·A·科坎(Thomas A. Kochan)说,富兰克林·罗斯福(Franklin Roosevelt)在袭击珍珠港后立即采取了这种方法。 “他本能地理解合作的必要性......并呼吁商业,劳工和社区团体在战争中共同努力。”在这场国家危机中,党派差异逐渐消失,并出现了一系列创新实践,为世代奠定了标准,从工人培训到养老金计划。但现任政府只迎合具体的政治和经济利益。 Kochan指出,只要看看911事件后保留航空业的徒劳无功。 “随后损失300亿美元,它仍然是一个混乱的行业,”他说。在卡特里娜飓风中,显然需要“学习劳动,管理和社区团体的最佳实践”,政府实际上是“削减工资,分割社会,劳动和管理。”“贫困社区在重建中是否有作用”新奥尔良?“菲利普·汤普森说,贫穷和种族排斥可以追溯到新奥尔良400年。并且,汤普森指出,黑人市长不能保证穷人在新奥尔良会有发言权,因为白人精英很久以前就剥夺了市长办公室的真正权力教育,发展和环境安全。汤普森说,今天卡特里娜飓风在黑人社区内爆发了新的冲突。但他相信,这场灾难仍可能带来积极变化的机会。 “你不必放弃这个城市,无论谁出现......。通过满足新奥尔良穷人的需求,我们可以为重建整个国家的城市和地区制定一个坚实的蓝图。”
课程简介: "Are Cities Resilient? Disaster Recovery, Past and Present" Will New Orleans rise again, and if so, in what form? Lawrence J. Vale offers both comfort and caution. “In the last 200 years, there has been almost no case of a major city anywhere that hasn’t been rebuilt after a major disaster,” he says. Whether post-bomb Hiroshima, or Chicago after its 19th-century inferno, urban disasters become opportunities for “building back bigger and stronger,” says Vale. Citizens and policy makers share narratives around these common traumas, of the sustained horror but also of inevitable progress and possible redemption. The issue for New Orleans will be how politics and economics attach to these themes. Will the city become “a Disney camp, Mardi Gras festival all year round,” wonders Vale, or will people from the housing projects and from the ports also be allowed a seat at the table? "Hurricane Katrina: What Would FDR Do?" Franklin Roosevelt got the approach just right after the attack on Pearl Harbor, says Thomas A. Kochan. “He understood instinctively the need for cooperation…and called for business, labor and community groups to work together in the war effort.” Partisan differences melted away in this national crisis, and a set of innovative practices emerged that set the standard for generations, from worker training to pension plans. But the current administration caters only to specific political and economic interests. Just look at its futile effort to bail the airline industry out after 9/11, Kochan points out. “30 billion in losses later, it’s still an industry in shambles,” he says. With Katrina, where there’s clearly a need to “learn from the best practices of labor, management and community groups,” the administration is in fact “cutting wages, dividing society, labor and management.” "Do Poor Communities Have a Role in Rebuilding New Orleans?" Poverty and racial exclusion go back 400 years in New Orleans, says J. Phillip Thompson. And, Thompson notes, a black mayor is no guarantee that the poor will have a voice in New Orleans, since white elites long ago stripped the mayor’s office of real power—over education, development, environmental safety. New conflicts are bubbling up today around Katrina within the black community, says Thompson. But the disaster may still offer a chance for positive change, he believes. “You do not have to abdicate the city to whoever shows up….By addressing the needs of the poor in New Orleans, we can develop a solid blueprint for rebuilding cities and regions in the entire nation.”
关 键 词: 灾难恢复; 党派差异; 黑人社区
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-08:cxin
阅读次数: 39