主题演讲:与通用汽车公司董事长兼首席执行官G. Richard Wagoner的对话

Keynote: A Conversation with G. Richard Wagoner, Chairman and CEO, General Motors
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_wagoner_kc/  
主讲教师: G. Richard Wagoner Jr.
开课单位: 通用汽车公司
开课时间: 2012-05-25
课程语种: 英语
虽然他没有把所有的牌都放在桌面上,但通用汽车董事长G. Richard Wagoner,Jr。提供了他对公司战略的一瞥,以及对通用汽车成功和失败的一些看法。虽然瓦格纳的孩子称他为“技术故事”,但他把曾经独家的汽车制造商带入了互联网和信息学的世界。通用汽车近期获奖者之一是OnStar计划,这是一种基于汽车的计算机系统,可让驾驶员获取路线,通知紧急情况,或者最近预订酒店并预订餐厅。目前有300万辆车载有OnStar设备。但通用汽车过多地关注其汽车产品的互联网销售。瓦格纳说,“如果你为围栏挥杆,偶尔会有明显的罢工。”虽然他希望更多的购车者“按下互联网上的按钮”,但他表示最喜欢“经常踢轮胎”。 “由于石油供应和价格的不确定性,通用汽车和其他汽车制造商面临的重大问题是下一代汽车问题。瓦格纳说,通用汽车正在研究四种不同的情况:提高内燃机的电流效率和排放;增强柴油发动机;制造混合动力公交车和中型车;如果经济学成功,生产氢燃料电池动力汽车。
课程简介: While he doesn’t quite put all the cards on the table, GM Chairman G. Richard Wagoner, Jr. offers glimpses into his corporate strategy, and some perspective on GM’s successes and failures. While Wagoner’s kids call him a “technological troglodyte,” he has taken what was once exclusively a car manufacturer into the world of the internet and informatics. One of GM’s recent winners is the OnStar program, a car-based computer system that allows drivers to get directions, communicate an emergency, or more recently, book a hotel and make a restaurant reservation. Three million vehicles currently carry OnStar devices. But GM staked too much on internet sales of its car products. Says Wagoner, “If you swing for the fences, occasionally you’re going to have an obvious strike.” While he hopes more car buyers will “push the button on the internet,” he says most prefer “to kick the tires frequently.” With uncertainty around the availability and price of oil, the big issue for GM and fellow car manufacturers concerns the next generation of vehicles. Wagoner says GM is working on four different scenarios: improving current efficiency and emissions of the internal combustion engine; enhancing diesel engines; manufacturing hybrid buses and mid-sized cars; and if the economics work out, producing hydrogen fuel cell-powered vehicles.
关 键 词: 技术故事; 计算机系统; 通用汽车
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-06-28:cjy
阅读次数: 80