

2004 Nobel Colloquium
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_wilczek_nc/  
主讲教师: Frank Wilczek
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2010-05-21
课程语种: 英语
赢得诺贝尔奖没有神奇的公式。但是你找不到比Frank Wilczek,Feshbach物理学教授和2004年诺贝尔奖获得者更为经典的模特.Wilczek是普林斯顿21岁的研究生,当时他取得了突破性的发现。高能物理被“强力”所困扰,这种力量束缚了构成质子和中子的夸克。 Wilczek(和两位分享奖项的同事)勇敢地接受了一个非常令人吃惊的想法:强大的力量与自然界中更熟悉的力量恰恰相反 - 粒子越接近,力量越弱, Wilczek在“渐近自由”这个短语中捕获了一个想法。这种对自然基本力量的深刻见解具有惊人的解释力,不仅对于物理学而且对于宇宙学。我们现在理解早期宇宙 - 存在的最初几分钟 - 更好比起我们今天了解宇宙周围的宇宙。在他的诺贝尔奖得主的基础上,Wilczek仍然在他科学最令人费解的前沿工作 - 例如,努力解释弥撒的起源和重力的虚弱,他的主题以前的物理学术讨论会。
课程简介: There’s no magic formula for winning the Nobel Prize. But you can’t find a more classic model than the career of Frank Wilczek, Feshbach Professor of Physics and 2004 Nobel laureate. Wilczek was a 21 year-old graduate student at Princeton when he made his breakthrough discovery. High energy physics was baffled by the “strong force,” which binds the quarks that make up protons and neutrons. Wilczek (with two colleagues who share the prize) was brave enough to entertain a really startling idea: the strong force works in just the opposite way from the more familiar forces in nature – the closer together the particles are, the weaker the force becomes, an idea Wilczek captured in the phrase "asymptotic freedom.” This profound insight into the fundamental forces of nature has astonishing explanatory power, not only for physics but also for cosmology. We now understand the early universe – the first few minutes of existence – better than we understand the universe around us today. Far from resting on his Nobel laurels, Wilczek is still working at the most puzzling frontiers of his science – for example, struggling to explain The Origin of Mass and the Feebleness of Gravity, the subject of his previous Physics Colloquium.
关 键 词: 学术讨论会; 诺贝尔奖; 粒子
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-06-28:yuh
阅读次数: 36