
Symposium Luncheon Address
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_wulf_sla/  
主讲教师: William Wulf
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2013-03-07
课程语种: 英语
不久前,威廉·沃尔夫(William Wulf)拥有他所谓的“眼间事件 - 双眼之间的2x4。”从华盛顿特区的战壕回到学术界后,Wulf指出,同事们几乎完全专注于安静地进行分析。在他的讲话中,Wulf敦促他的观众记住,“每个工程项目......都发生在一个整体的,嘈杂的,混乱的社会环境中。”随着工程设计变得越来越复杂,这个现实的含义是什么? Wulf认为,这个职业正在出现新的道德问题。我们正在构建系统,无论是计算机网络还是太空旅行,其未来的行动实际上是无法预测的。 Wulf问道:“当你知道会出现意想不到的,可能是灾难性的行为时,人们如何合乎道德地建立一个系统 - 在这种情况下你是如何行事的?”他说这个问题已经“回过头来简单地咬我们方式。“我们经常将计算机中的安全漏洞归咎于病毒。相反,Wulf引用了一项研究,其中至少有一半的违规行为是由于系统“完全按照规范执行”。但是规范并没有预见到它们可以被用来击败系统的方式。“一个结论:”如果你不能正确地得到规格,最好不要假设输出是正确的。“
课程简介: Not too long ago, William Wulf had what he calls an “inter-ocular event—a 2x4 between the eyes.” After returning to academia from the trenches of Washington, D.C., Wulf noted that colleagues focused almost exclusively, and serenely, on analysis. In his remarks, Wulf urges his audience to remember, “Every engineering project…occurs in a holistic, noisy, messy social environment.” What are the implications of this reality as engineering designs become evermore complex? Wulf believes that new ethical problems are emerging for the profession. We are building systems, whether for computer networks or space travel, whose future actions are literally impossible to predict. Wulf asks, “How does one ethically build a system when you know there will be unintended, possibly catastrophic behaviors as a result—how do you act right under those circumstances?” He says this problem has already “come back to bite us in simple ways.” We often attribute security flaws in computers to viruses. Instead, Wulf cites a study where at least half of the breaches resulted from the system “performing exactly per specifications. But the specifications didn’t foresee a way they could be used to defeat the system.” One conclusion: “If you can’t get the specs right, better not assume the output will be right.”
关 键 词: 计算机网络; 构建系统; 研讨会
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-06-28:yuh
阅读次数: 17