
Flight: The Next 100 Years
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_young_corn_garvey_haggerty_flig...  
主讲教师: Allen Haggerty, Laurence R. Young, Jane F. Garvey, Joseph H. Corn
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2010-07-21
课程语种: 英语
该小组深入研究了航空旅行的传奇和可能的未来。作为一个男孩,约瑟夫·马克(Joseph Corn)珍惜了“大众机械”(Popular Mechanics)的问题,其封面是一名男子在车库停放直升机在怀特兄弟的飞行之后不久,美国与航空的浪漫关系,不仅仅是关于硬件或交通,玉米说,而是关于一个乌托邦式的梦想。玉米说,航空旅行将带来一个和平和兄弟情谊的世界 - 一个梦想,因为核弹的掉落而破灭。 Jane Garvey回忆起Y2K指关节咬人 - 她在1999年新年前夕勇敢地高高举起。区域喷气机旅行和城市枢纽拥堵的巨大增长将把航空转移到农村社区,Garvey项目,但相信没有新的跑道将在没有强大本地的情况下建成承诺.Allen Haggerty说,只剩下五家飞机制造商,期望精简的飞机旅行,你可以更直接地到达你想要的目的地,但没有设施。一些新的和不同的飞机正在进行中:空中客车A 380将搭载555名乘客,噪音低于747.波音正在设计一架名为“鹈鹕”的货机,其机翼跨度为500英尺,长度大于一个足球场。
课程简介: This panel delves into both the fabled and likely future of air travel. As a boy, Joseph Corn treasured the Popular Mechanics issue whose cover featured a man parking a helicopter in the garage. America’s romance with aviation, which started soon after the Wright Brothers’ flight, wasn’t just about hardware or transportation, says Corn, but about a utopian dream. Air travel would bring about a world of peace and brotherhood – a dream, says Corn, shattered by the dropping of the nuclear bomb. Jane Garvey reminisces about Y2K knuckle-biting – she was bravely aloft on New Year’s Eve 1999. The tremendous growth of regional jet travel and urban hub congestion will shift aviation to rural communities, Garvey projects, but believes no new runways will be built without strong local commitment. Allen Haggerty says that with only five airplane manufacturers left, expect streamlined plane travel -- you get to your desired destination more directly but without amenities. Some new and different planes are in the works: the Airbus A-380 will carry 555 passengers, with less noise than a 747. Boeing is designing a cargo plane called “The Pelican,” which will have a 500-foot wing span and length greater than a football field.
关 键 词: 航空旅行; 交通拥堵; 精简旅行
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-08:cxin
阅读次数: 31