

Engineering a New Attack on Disease
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_young_eana/  
主讲教师: Richard A. Young
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2011-08-26
课程语种: 英语
在世界60亿人口中,每年有5700万人死亡。虽然我们自第二次世界大战以来已经获得了20年的预期寿命,但像艾滋病这样的疾病已经在许多发展中国家的发病率上造成了影响。但根据Rick Young的说法,“全球疾病负担远远超过死亡人数。”数百万人患有心肺疾病,癌症和疟疾,仅举几例,其家庭和社会几乎无法估量。 Young的使命是在基因水平上攻击全球疾病问题:他正在寻找能够改变或关闭疾病遗传机制的特定蛋白质。这些“基因调节因子”可以被像HIV这样的病毒或导致像成熟型糖尿病这样的疾病的突变所打击。 Young的研究小组开发了一种DNA微阵列技术,帮助他们将基因调控因子与相应的基因联系起来。他们已经研究出酵母中的连接,然后他们将目标锁定在人类基因组上。 Young的最终目标是:“通过继续关注您的2000种基因调控因子,我们最终可以对器官系统的工作方式有所了解...(和)在疾病与错误调节相关的所有情况下,我们可以制定新的药物开发策略。那。”
课程简介: Out of a world population of 6 billion, 57 million people die each year. And while we have gained 20 years in life expectancy since World War 2, diseases like HIV have taken a toll on morbidity in many developing nations. But according to Rick Young, “the global disease burden is much larger than the number of deaths.” Countless millions suffer from cardiopulmonary diseases, cancer, and malaria, to name but a few, at a nearly incalculable cost to their families and society. Young’s mission is to attack the problem of global disease at the genetic level: he’s hunting for specific proteins that can turn the genetic machinery of diseases on, or off. These “gene regulators” can be knocked out of whack by a virus like HIV or by a mutation that results in a disease like mature onset diabetes. Young’s group has developed a DNA microarray technology that helps them link gene regulators to their corresponding genes. They’ve worked out the connections in yeast, and they’re targeting the human genome next. Young’s ultimate goal: “By continuing to focus on your 2000 gene regulators, we could eventually develop great insights into how organ systems work… (And) in all instances where disease is associated with misregulation, we could develop new strategies for drug development based on that.”
关 键 词: 疾病; 基因; 药物
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-06-28:yuh
阅读次数: 26