
Ending Global Poverty
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_yunus_egp/  
主讲教师: Muhammad Yunus
开课单位: 尤努斯中心
开课时间: 2010-05-21
课程语种: 英语
想象一家银行根据借款人的绝望情况贷款 - 正如穆罕默德尤努斯所说,“你拥有的越多,你就越优先考虑。”转变银行业务惯例已经为数百万贫困人口带来了好处。 Bangladeshis,作为开拓经济学家尤努斯在过去三十年中所展示的。最开始作为一个适度的学术实验已成为消除贫困的个人运动。尤努斯提醒我们,对于世界三分之二的人口来说,“金融机构并不存在。”然而,“我们创造了一个充满金钱的世界。如果你没有第一美元,你就无法获得下一美元。“面对严厉的怀疑态度,尤努斯的观念是给最贫穷的人提供他们的第一美元,这样他们就可以自我支持。 “我们不是在谈论那些不知道如何处理生活的人......他们和其他任何人一样善良,富有进取心。”他的乡村银行从一个村庄传播到一个村庄,作为一个小额贷款人钱(小额信贷),主要是女性。尤努斯听说“所有女人都可以做的是养鸡,或奶牛或制作篮子。我说,'不要低估人类的才能。'“不需要抵押品,也不需要文书工作 - 只是努力做好并偿还贷款。现在该银行拥有500万借款人,每年收入5亿美元。它已扩展到学生贷款,医疗保险和其他国家。格莱珉甚至创建了一家移动电话公司,将手机带到孟加拉国的村庄。尤努斯设想小额信贷建立一个社会,即使是穷人也可以打开“他们内心的礼物”。
课程简介: Imagine a bank that loans money based on a borrower’s desperate circumstances -- where, as Muhammad Yunus says, “the less you have, the higher priority you have.” Turning banking convention on its head has accomplished a world of good for millions of impoverished Bangladeshis, as the pioneering economist Yunus has demonstrated in the last three decades. What began as a modest academic experiment has become a personal crusade to end poverty. Yunus reminds us that for two-thirds of the world’s population, “financial institutions do not exist.” Yet, “we’ve created a world which goes around with money. If you don’t have the first dollar, you can’t catch the next dollar.” It was Yunus’ notion, in the face of harsh skepticism, to give the poorest of the poor their first dollar so they could become self-supporting. “We’re not talking about people who don’t know what to do with their lives….They’re as good, enterprising, as smart as anybody else.” His Grameen Bank spread from village to village as a lender of tiny amounts of money (microcredit), primarily to women. Yunus heard that “all women can do is raise chickens, or cows or make baskets. I said, ‘Don’t underestimate the talent of human beings.’ ” No collateral is required, nor paperwork—just an effort to make good and pay back the loan. Now the bank boasts 5 million borrowers, receiving half a billion dollars a year. It has branched out into student loans, health care coverage, and into other countries. Grameen has even created a mobile phone company to bring cell phones to Bangladeshi villages. Yunus envisions microcredit building a society where even poor people can open “the gift they have inside of them.”
关 键 词: 小额信贷社会; 银行业务惯例; 借款人
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-06-28:cjy
阅读次数: 69