

Inferring vertex properties from topology in large networks
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mlg07_aukia_ivp/  
主讲教师: Janne Aukia
开课单位: 创汇公司
开课时间: 2007-09-05
课程语种: 英语
网络拓扑不仅讲述了紧密连接的“社区”,   但也给出了顶点更微妙属性的线索。 我们介绍一个简单的   概率潜变量模型,可以找到潜在的块或更多的等级   结构,取决于超参数。 随着Gibbs的倒塌取样,它可以   估计106个顶点或更多的网络,以及潜在组件的数量   之前通过Dirichlet过程适应数据。 应用于社交网络   音乐推荐网站(Last.fm),音乐流派的合理组合   从潜在的后续匹配所揭示的网络拓扑中出现   结构与参与者的听力习惯。 生成的优点   模型的本质是在稀疏数据中明确处理不确定性,并且容易   可解释性,可扩展性和适应不完整数据的应用程序。
课程简介: Network topology not only tells about tightly-connected “communities,” but also gives cues on more subtle properties of the vertices. We introduce a simple probabilistic latent-variable model which finds either latent blocks or more graded structures, depending on hyperparameters. With collapsed Gibbs sampling it can be estimated for networks of 106 vertices or more, and the number of latent components adapts to data through a Dirichlet process prior. Applied to the social network of a music recommendation site (Last.fm), reasonable combinations of musical genres appear from the network topology, as revealed by subsequent matching of the latent structure with listening habits of the participants. The advantages of the generative nature of the model are explicit handling of uncertainty in the sparse data, and easy interpretability, extensibility, and adaptation to applications with incomplete data.
关 键 词: 网络拓扑; 顶点属性; 概率潜变量模型
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2021-01-25:chenxin
阅读次数: 69