
General Graph Refinement with Polynomial Delay
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mlg07_ramon_ggr/  
主讲教师: Jan Ramon
开课单位: 鲁汶大学
开课时间: 2007-09-05
课程语种: 英语
许多图形挖掘算法中的一个基本组件是枚举图的程序,不是两个枚举图是同构的。所有频繁的子图矿工需要这样的组件[14,1,5,1,6],还有其他组件数据挖掘算法,例如[7]需要这样的算法一个程序,通常称为“细化运算符”或“加入运营商”,取决于枚举(或可以 - 做了一代)战略。因此,在数据min-文献中已经有大量的算法预先存在被发现用于枚举没有同构的图。没有然而,已经证明这些算法可以运行多项式延迟,即在枚举图形时,甚至没有访问任何数据,在最坏的情况下可能需要列出下一个图表的指数时间。从一个理论 - 从角度来看,这是一个令人失望的结果,正如Goldberg所说[3,4]已经在九十年代初表明了这一点没有同构的所有连通图都可以完成O(n6)多项式延迟。在本文中,我们解决了这个问题 - LEM。我们表明有一个图枚举算法可用于图挖掘算法并具有O(n5)多项式延迟。因此,我们不仅提出了一种算法枚举连接类的(有趣的)部分图表,但也改善图表enumer的早期约束 - 戈德伯格展示了这一点。与此同时,我们的算法足够通用,也适用于其他图形类型而不是连通图形。例如,它可以也可用于枚举平面的未连接图图,外平面图和许多其他类型的图,多项式延迟。生成的数据结构通过该算法允许执行成员资格查询在多项式时间内:对于任何给定的图,与其无关表示,我们可以在多项式时间内确定它是否存在一组枚举子图的一部分。特别是在我们的算法没有必要计算规范形式。但是,如果这是可取的,我们可以使用我们的算法例如,枚举几种规范形式的图形,gSpan中使用的DFS和BFS规范形式[14]和MoFA [1]。
课程简介: Of many graph mining algorithms an essential component is its procedure for enumerating graphs such that no two enumerated graphs are isomorphic. All frequent subgraph miners require such a component [14, 5, 1, 6], but also other data mining algorithms, such as for instance [7] require such a procedure, which is often called a “refinement operator” or a “join operator” depending on the enumeration (or can- didate generation) strategy. Consequently, in the data min- ing literature a huge amount of algorithms have been pre- sented for enumerating graphs without isomorphisms. None of these algorithms, however, have been shown to run with polynomial delay, i.e. when enumerating the graphs, even without accessing any data, in the worst case it may take exponential time to list the next graph. From a theoreti- cal perspective, this is a disappointing result, as Goldberg [3, 4] showed already in the early nineties that enumerating all connected graphs without isomorphs can be done with O(n6) polynomial delay. In this paper, we address this prob- lem. We show that there is a graph enumeration algorithm that can be used in graph mining algorithms and has O(n5) polynomial delay. Thus, we not only propose an algorithm to enumerate (the interesting) parts of the class of connected graphs, but also improve the earlier bound on graph enumer- ation that was shown by Goldberg. At the same time, our algorithm is general enough to be also applicable for other types of graphs than connected graphs. For instance, it can also be used for enumerating unconnected graphs, planar graphs, outerplanar graphs, and many other types of graphs, with polynomial delay. The datastructure that is produced by the algorithm allows membership queries to be executed in polynomial time: for any given graph, independent of its representation, we can determine in polynomial time if it is part of a set of enumerated subgraphs. In particular, in our algorithm it is not necessary to compute a canonical form. However, if this is desirable, we can use our algorithm to enumerate graphs in several canonical forms, for instance, the DFS and BFS canonical forms used in gSpan [14] and MoFA [1].
关 键 词: 图形挖掘算法; 枚举图; 细化运算符
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-06-30:cjy
阅读次数: 37