Zakim - 用于大规模电话会议的多模式软件系统

Zakim - A multimodal sofware system for large-scale teleconferencing
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mlmi04ch_froumentin_zmssl/  
主讲教师: Max Froumentin
开课单位: 巴斯大学
开课时间: 2007-02-25
课程语种: 英语
本文描述了Zakim,一种在万维网联盟\ cite {W3C}中使用的多模式电话会议系统。 虽然这里介绍的系统没有利用先进的研究工作,但所提出的技术在开发时考虑了稳健性,因为它几乎全天候被数百人使用。 首先介绍上下文和要求,然后介绍系统的功能。 最后,我们描述了如何通过使用该系统修改W3C电话会议的结构,并讨论一些问题和可能的改进。
课程简介: This paper describes Zakim, the multimodal teleconference system used at the World Wide Web Consortium \cite{W3C}. While the system presented here does not make use of advanced research work, the technology presented have been developed with robustness in mind, as it is used almost round-the-clock by several hundred people. The context and requirements are introduced first, followed by a description of the system's features. Lastly we describe how the structure of W3C teleconferences has been modified by the use of this system, and discuss some issues and possible improvements.
关 键 词: 万维网联盟; 多模式电话会议系统; 稳健性
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-07-02:cjy
阅读次数: 38