
The Security of Mobile Agent Systems
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mmdss07_pawlowski_smas/  
主讲教师: Wiesiek Pawlowski
开课单位: 华沙理工大学
开课时间: 2008-01-07
课程语种: 英语
在[2]中,提出了一种称为Petri超网的移动模型。超网提供了一种视觉形式来描述分层结构的动态代理。代理采用Petri网的形式,其操纵其他代理作为资源。在[4]中提出了一种逻辑,其中可以描述超网中代理的时间和结构属性。由于将超网络转换为[3]中给出的1个安全Petri网系统,人们还可以分析可表示为Petri网不变量的超网络的一些属性。最近,参见[1],我们已经解决了以模块化方式对复杂的混合离散代理系统进行建模的问题。这里的想法是从许多更简单的视图中获取整个系统的视图,每个视图都专注于特定的视角。例如,一种观点可以描述一些移动代理如何及时发展 - 这种观点可以作为超网捕获。另一个可以解决其他问题,例如代理阅读某些消息的权利。本演讲的目的是描述如何使用该方法来建模,指定和验证移动代理系统的某些安全方面。
课程简介: In [2] a model for mobility, called Petri hypernets, was presented. Hypernets offer a visual formalism to describe hierarchically structured dynamic agents. The agents take the form of Petri nets, which manipulate other agents as resources. In [4] a logic was proposed in which one can describe the temporal and the structural properties of agents in a hypernet. One can also analyse some properties of hypernets expressible as Petri net invariants thanks to the translation of hypernets to 1-safe Petri net systems given in [3]. Recently, see [1], we have addressed the problem of modelling complex, hybrid discrete agent systems in a modular way. The idea here is to obtain the view of the complete system from a number of simpler views, each devoted to a specific perspective. One view, for instance, could describe how some mobile agents can evolve in time — this view could be captured as a hypernet. Another could address other issues, for instance the rights of an agent to read some messages. The purpose of the talk is to describe how the approach can be used to model, specify and verify some security aspects of mobile agent systems.
关 键 词: 移动模型; 视觉形式; 分层结构
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-08-25:chenxin
阅读次数: 37