
Linear Bellman Combination for Simulation of Human Motion
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/nipsworkshops09_popovic_lbcshm/  
主讲教师: Jovan Popović
开课单位: 华盛顿大学
开课时间: 2010-01-19
课程语种: 英语
对自然人体运动的模拟具有挑战性,因为相关的系统动力学是高维度的,欠驱动的 - 不能直接控制全球位置和方向 - 以及非平滑频繁和间歇性的地面接触。为了取得成功,控制政策必须向前看以确定稳定行动,并且必须进行优化以产生逼真的动作。在本次演讲中,我们将回顾最近开发的控制系统,该系统可为三维人体模拟提供高质量的敏捷运动。创建这样的控制器需要密集的计算机优化,并且需要重用尽可能多的控制策略。我们将通过有效组合来部分地回答这个问题,该组合通过对相关任务重用一组最佳控制来创建新的最优控制策略。还有待观察是否也可以将相同的方法应用于产生逼真的人体运动所需的控制系统。
课程简介: Simulation of natural human motion is challenging because the relevant system dynamics is high-dimensional, underactuated—no direct control over global position and orientation—and non-smooth—frequent and intermittent ground contacts. In order to succeed, control policy must look ahead to determine stabilizing actions and it must optimize to generate lifelike motion. In this talk, we will review recently developed control systems that yield high-quality agile movements for three-dimensional human simulations. Creating such controllers requires intensive computer optimization and reveals a need for reusing as many control policies as possible. We will answer this problem partially with an efficient combination that creates a new optimal control policy by reusing a set of optimal controls for related tasks. It remains to be seen if the same approach can also be applied to control systems needed to generate lifelike human motion.
关 键 词: 系统动力学; 控制系统; 人体运动
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-09-07:lxf
阅读次数: 44