
Benchmarking parameter estimation and reverse engineering strategies
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/pesb07_mendes_bpe/  
主讲教师: Pedro Mendes
开课单位: 弗吉尼亚理工大学
开课时间: 2007-04-04
课程语种: 英语
参数估计已成为系统生物学中的核心问题,无论是自下而上模型的校准还是反向工程算法的组成部分。随着为这些目的提出的算法的激增,以客观方式比较它们变得很重要。我认为,计算机生物化学网络模型对此非常有用。将呈现几个网络,这些网络是参数估计和网络推断的挑战性测试。然而,使用计算机网络产生的一个问题是它们是否能提供真实的数据。将通过比较四种逆向工程方法来说明该基准测试方法的应用。 \\ //与Diogo Camacho,Paola Vera Licona和Reinhard Laubenbacher联合工作//
课程简介: Parameter estimation has become a central problem in systems biology, both in the form of calibration of bottom-up models or as a component of reverse engineering algorithms. With a proliferation of algorithms proposed for these purposes it has become important to compare them in objective ways. I will argue that in silico biochemical network models are extremely useful for this purpose. Several networks will be presented that are challenging tests for parameter estimation and network inference. An issue that arises from the use of in silico networks, though, is whether they can provide realistic data. The application of this benchmarking methodology will be illustrated with a comparison of four reverse engineering methods. \\ //Joint work with Diogo Camacho, Paola Vera Licona, and Reinhard Laubenbacher//
关 键 词: 参数估计; 系统生物学; 计算机网络
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-10-22:chenxin
阅读次数: 85