
Spatiotemporal Modelling of Intracellular Signalling in Bacterial Chemotaxis
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/pesb07_tindall_sib/  
主讲教师: Marcus J. Tindall
开课单位: 牛津大学
开课时间: 2007-04-04
课程语种: 英语
虽然理论模型已被用于理解过去三十年左右的细菌趋化系统的各个方面,但很少有工作集中在细胞的细胞质内蛋白质的空间定位对细胞内网络的整体功能的重要性。在本次演讲中,我们将研究信号转导的时空模型,以描述大肠杆菌内的磷酸转移途径。然后将扩展该模型框架以检查蛋白质定位在球形红细菌中的重要性。球形红细菌是一种含有比大肠杆菌多得多的磷酸转移蛋白的物种,其空间定位在激活磷酸转移网络的某些元素中起着特别重要的作用。 。还将详细描述在获得球形红细菌内反应速率的稳健参数估计中遇到的困难。与S. L. Porter,P. K。Maini和J. P. Armitage共同合作。
课程简介: Whilst theoretical models have been used to understand aspects of bacterial chemotaxis systems for the past thirty or so years, little work has focused on the importance that spatial localisation of proteins within the cytoplasm of the cell has on the overall functionality of the intracellular network. In this talk we will examine spatio-temporal models of signal transduction developed to describe the phosphotransfer pathway within E. coli. This model framework will then be extended to examine the importance of protein localisation within R. sphaeroides, a species which contains considerably more phosphotransfer proteins than E. coli and the spatial localisation of which plays a particularly important role in activating certain elements of the phosphotransfer network. The difficulties encountered in obtaining robust parameter estimates for reaction rates within the R. sphaeroides will also be detailed. Joint work with S. L. Porter, P. K. Maini and J. P. Armitage.
关 键 词: 细菌趋化; 细胞质; 蛋白质
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-09-13:lxf
阅读次数: 26