
Hands-on Natural Language Processing for Information Access Applications (NLPIAA)
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/russir08_saggion_nlpiaa/  
主讲教师: Horacio Saggion
开课单位: 庞培法布拉大学
开课时间: 2008-11-04
课程语种: 英语
本课程重点介绍涉及使用自然语言技术的实际应用的开发。该课程将介绍NLP概念,这些概念将通过演示课程中的技术开发,测试和评估得到加强。课程中要研究的应用包括:信息提取,问答和文本摘要。这些应用程序都不会被详细研究,本课程的主要目标是促进NLP的使用,并促进可用技术的访问,这些技术可以适应特定的应用领域,以便学生能够回家,有动力开发自己的工具系统。 详细内容: - 自然语言处理技术概述,包括词性标注,命名实体识别,解析,语义解释和共指消解。 - 用于信息访问的自然语言技术:将提供结合先进NLP的现有系统和项目(例如Cubreporter项目)。 - 信息提取:命名实体识别,关系提取,事件提取,基于规则和机器学习方法,评估,MUC。 - 问答:QA架构,问题和答案,段落选择,答案识别,评估,TREC / QA。 - 文本摘要:句子提取,句子提取的表面特征,特征组合,多文档摘要,评估,文档理解会议。
课程简介: This course focus on the development of practical applications which involve the use of natural language technology. The course will introduce NLP concepts which will be reinforced by the development, testing, and evaluation of technology in demonstration sessions. Applications to be studied in the course include: Information Extraction, Question Answering, and Text Summarization. None of the applications will be studied in detail, the main objective of the course is to promote the use of NLP and to facilitate access to available technology which can be adapted to specific application domains so that students can go home motivated to develop their own tools/systems. Detailed content: – Overview of Natural Language Processing technologies including parts of speech tagging, named entity recognition, parsing, semantic interpretation and coreference resolution. – Natural Language Technology for Information access: existent systems and projects combining advanced NLP will be presented (e.g. Cubreporter project). – Information Extraction: named entity recognition, relation extraction, event extraction, rule-based and machine learning approaches, evaluation, MUC. – Question Answering: QA architecture, questions and answers, passage selection, answer identification, evaluation, TREC/QA. – Text Summarization: sentence extraction, superficial features for sentence extraction, feature combination, multi-document summarization, evaluation, Document Understanding Conference.
关 键 词: 自然语言技术; 信息提取; 可用技术
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-09-16:cjy
阅读次数: 39