
Query expansion based on linguistic evidence
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/russir2010_sokirko_soloviev_yandex/  
主讲教师: Evgeniy Soloviev, Alexei Sokirko
开课单位: Yandex 公司
开课时间: 2011-03-18
课程语种: 英语
基于语言证据的查询扩展随着搜索引擎用户越来越懒散,搜索查询变得越来越短,越来越混乱。 让用户只询问准确的查询是没有意义的,因此查询扩展和重新制定的问题变得越来越迫切。 原则上,没有语义损失的查询重构通常是不可能的,这就是为什么应该使用寻找对查询上下文敏感的近同义词的方法。 我们表明,非常简单的同义词挖掘方法应用于像俄罗斯互联网这样的大型语料库是非常有效的。 本文认为查询日志或锚文本作为相对较新的语言资源的重要性。 我们讨论了查询扩展提高搜索引擎相关性或降低搜索引擎相关性的方法,即使它们似乎适合查询上下文。
课程简介: As search engine users get lazier, the search queries become shorter and muddier. There is no sense in making users ask only accurate queries, so the problem of query expansion and reformulating is getting more and more urgent. In principle query reformulation without semantic losses is often impossible, that’s why methods of finding near-synonyms that are sensitive to the query context should be employed. We show that very simple methods of synonym mining being applied to the very large corpora like Russian Internet are quite effective. The paper argues the importance of query logs or anchor texts as comparatively new linguistic resources. We discuss the ways query expansions improve search engine relevance or degrade it even if they seem to fit the query context.
关 键 词: 搜索引擎; 同义词挖掘方法; 语言资源
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-07-17:yumf
阅读次数: 60