分布式语义存储库中的自组织Self-organization in Distributed Semantic Repositories |
课程网址: | http://videolectures.net/soks2010_teymourian_sodsr/ |
主讲教师: | Kia Teymourian |
开课单位: | 柏林自由大学 |
开课时间: | 2010-12-07 |
课程语种: | 英语 |
中文简介: | 自然界启发的自组织原理可以帮助应对未来互联网基础架构中巨大的可扩展性挑战。我们研究了用于语义信息聚类的类似蚂蚁的机制。我们概述了将相关信息存储在集群中以促进高效和可伸缩检索的算法。核心是不考虑全局信息(例如完全共享的本体)的相似性度量。描述和评估了基于语法的URI相似性的机制,以及基于路径长度的相似性在本体上使用动态局部视图的机制。我们对如何考虑地理信息系统中与用例进行聚类的应用程序特定关系进行了展望。 |
课程简介: | Principles from nature-inspired selforganization can help to attack the massive scalability challenges in future internet infrastructures. We researched into ant-like mechanisms for clustering semantic information. We outline algorithms to store related information within clusters to facilitate efficient and scalable retrieval. At the core are similarity measures that cannot consider global information such as a completly shared ontology. Mechanisms for syntax-based URI-similarity and the usage of a dynamic partial view on an ontology for path-length based similarity are described and evaluated. We give an outlook on how to consider application specific relations for clustering with a usecase in geo-information systems. |
关 键 词: | 自组织原理; 语义信息聚类; 路径长度 |
课程来源: | 视频讲座网 |
最后编审: | 2019-09-22:cwx |
阅读次数: | 37 |