
Automatic Annotation of Images using Ensembles of Trees for Hierarchical Multi-label Classification
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/solomon_dimitrovski_aai/  
主讲教师: Ivica Dimitrovski
开课单位: 约瑟夫·斯特凡学院
开课时间: 2010-03-26
课程语种: 英语
这项研究提出了一种用于视觉概念检测和图像标注的大规模系统。该系统由两部分组成:特征提取和分类/注释。特征提取部分以数值矢量的形式提供图像的全局和局部描述。使用这些数字描述,我们训练了分类器即预测聚类树(PCT),以生成看不见图像的注释。 PCT能够处理按层次结构组织的目标概念,即执行层次多标签分类。为了提高分类性能,我们构建了PCT的集合(袋和随机森林)。我们在两个不同的数据库上评估我们的系统:包含医学图像的IRMA数据库和包含常规图像的ImageCLEF @ ICPR 2010照片注释任务中的图像数据库。在基准数据库上进行的大量实验表明,我们的系统具有很高的预测性能,可以轻松地扩展到大量的视觉概念和数据。另外,我们的方法非常通用:可以轻松地通过新的特征提取方法进行扩展,因此可以轻松地应用于其他领域,图像类型和其他分类方案。此外,它可以处理组织为树或有向无环图的任意大小的层次结构。
课程简介: This research presents a large scale system for detection of visual concepts and annotation of images. The system is composed of two parts: feature extraction and classification/ annotation. The feature extraction part provides global and local descriptions of the images in the form of numerical vectors. Using these numerical descriptions, we train a classifier, a predictive clustering tree (PCT), to produce annotations for unseen images. PCTs are able to handle target concepts that are organized in a hierarchy, i.e., perform hierarchical multi-label classification. To improve the classification performance, we construct ensembles (bags and random forests) of PCTs. We evaluate our system on two different databases: IRMA database which contains medical images and the image database from the ImageCLEF[url] 2010 photo annotation task which contains general images. The extensive experiments conducted on the benchmark databases show that our system has very high predictive performance and can be easily scaled to large amounts of visual concepts and data. In addition, our approach is very general: it can be easily extended with new feature extraction methods, and it can thus be easily applied to other domains, types of images and other classification schemes. Furthermore, it can handle arbitrarily sized hierarchies organized as trees or directed acyclic graphs.
关 键 词: 视觉概念; 图像标注; 预测聚类树
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-09-26:cwx
阅读次数: 82