
An Introduction to Project Halo
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/solomon_greaves_aiph/  
主讲教师: Mark Greaves
开课单位: 火神公司
开课时间: 2010-04-05
课程语种: 英语
在本次演讲中,我将介绍由Paul Allen的Vulcan Inc.赞助的大规模人工智能研究计划Halo项目。Halo项目包含三个部分:1)一个称为AURA的专家系统,用于科学中的知识表达和问题解答; 2)用于默认和高阶推理的称为SILK的高级推理系统; 3)名为Semantic MediaWiki(SMW)的社交语义Web平台,用于有效地构建其他两个部分正常工作所必需的大型基础知识库。我将简要介绍其中的前两个部分,但我将花费大部分时间描述Halo项目在SMW上的工作。 SMW将语义Web技术和基于Wiki的社交机制相结合,并将数据库的结构和灵活性与Wiki的众包能力相结合。我将展示SMW的几个示例,并通过描述Vulcan的Ultrapedia原型进行总结,在该原型中,我们将显示如果Wikipedia是使用语义Wiki构建的,则它的外观。
课程简介: In this talk, I will describe Project Halo, a large-scale research program in artificial intelligence sponsored by Paul Allen’s Vulcan Inc.. Project Halo has three parts: 1) an expert system called AURA for knowledge formulating and question answering in science; 2) an advanced reasoning system called SILK for default and higher-order inference; and 3) a social semantic web platform called Semantic MediaWiki+ (SMW+) for effectively building the large basic knowledge base that is necessary for the other two parts to work. I will briefly describe the first two of these parts, but I will spend most of my time describing Project Halo’s work in on SMW+. SMW+ combines semantic web technology and wiki-based social mechanisms, and marries the structure and flexibility of a database to the crowd sourcing power of a wiki. I will show several examples of SMW+, and conclude by describing Vulcan’s Ultrapedia prototype, in which we show what Wikipedia might look like if it was built with a semantic wiki.
关 键 词: 人工智能; 高阶推理; 社交语义
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-09-21:cwx
阅读次数: 81