
Fast, Exact Nearest Neighbor in Arbitrary Dimensions with a Cover Tree
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/solomon_langford_fenna/  
主讲教师: John Langford
开课单位: 芝加哥丰田技术学院
开课时间: 2007-02-25
课程语种: 英语
仅给出点之间的度量,多快能找到一个点的最近邻居?在最坏的情况下,该时间为O(n)。当这些点碰巧遵守尺寸约束时,可能会有更大的速度。 “覆盖树”是O(n)空间数据结构,它使我们能够在给定固定的固有维数的情况下,在O(log(n))时间内回答查询。这也是一种非常实用的算法,在所有测试的数据集上产生的加速比在1到1000之间。这种加速对几种学习算法,仿真和某些系统具有直接影响
课程简介: Given only a metric between points, how quickly can the nearest neighbor of a point be found? In the worst case, this time is O(n). When these points happen to obey a dimensionality constraint, more speed is possible. The "cover tree" is O(n) space datastructure which allows us to answer queries in O(log(n)) time given a fixed intrinsic dimensionality. It is also a very practical algorithm yielding speedups between a factor of 1 and 1000 on all datasets tested. This speedup has direct implications for several learning algorithms, simulations, and some systems
关 键 词: 尺寸约束; 覆盖树; 学习算法
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-09-22:cwx
阅读次数: 57